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COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Frida , January 16, 1976 <br />F2 1W., <br />Transcript: Page 14 <br />happens. If they feel that they can hold their costs to <br />the levels of their bids. Of course, we are delaying the <br />starting. They were originally going to start the first <br />week in January. <br />MS. D <br />RBECK: <br />So, <br />in other words, <br />they are agreeing here <br />to <br />a bid award <br />on <br />February 29 for <br />construction that would <br />be <br />delayed here? <br />MR. BUTLER: Right. They know that we are talking ultimately about a <br />June 1 date on the outside for a decision... for a final de- <br />cision to be made. <br />MR. B OWNELL: The next item [ "Old Business 5a -2) "] is a letter from the <br />First Bank & Trust Company to Mr. Hubert Getzinger, Chair- <br />man of the Downtown South Bend Council, and they have <br />shared a copy of that letter with the Commission. <br />[Directed to Mr. Nimtz]: I don't know whether you wish <br />it read in full or not? <br />MR. N MTZ: N0: ... I mean, that is not necessary. <br />MR. W GGINS: I think this letter was also shared with the Press, was it <br />not? <br />ELL: Yes. It was in the Press, and it was read over in that <br />meeting at the Chamber of Commerce. Do you wish to receive <br />it? <br />