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COMMIISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, January 16, 1976 Transcript: Page 13 <br />MS. ERBECK: If the contractors agree to postpone, you do not have to <br />rebid. <br />MR. IMTZ: Any questions? Further ... I have to keep watching <br />Legal Counsel here. <br />MR. BUTLER: Legally, Jeanne, the notice to the bidders and the instruc- <br />tions to the bidders indicated the Commission would act <br />within thirty (30) days after receipt of bids. Now, that <br />is what is being extended. That was our commitment. Of <br />course, it protects the contractor - -the contractors - -if <br />there were no deadline, the Commission could sit on it <br />for seven or eight months, and we have their bid bonds; <br />they would be bound. So, and, as a matter of fact, we <br />would receive no bids, unless there were a .... Now, they <br />are acceding by their requests to a delay in that thirty <br />(30) day commitment. <br />MS. ERBECK: Have you contacted the contractors? Are they willing? <br />MR. OUTLER: The letters are here. <br />MR. OROWNELL: We have read the letters. <br />MS. OERBECK: Yes, but the letter said the 29th. <br />MR. <br />Well, their point is ... they cannot evaluate the situation <br />all the way up to June 1. What they want to do, is evaluate <br />it periodically -- probably on a monthly basis. We'll see what <br />