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COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Fr id y, January 16, 1976 <br />MR. NIMTZ: <br />Transcript: Page 11 <br />Any further discussions or questions? <br />[None -- No response]. <br />All in favor signify by saying, 'Aye.' <br />COMMISSIONERS: Aye. ['Aye's' unanimous.] <br />MR. NIIMTZ: That is carried. <br />MS. OERBECK: What was the motion? <br />MR. NIIMTZ: <br />That we accede to the Mayor's request, and that the delay <br />as requested for the construction of the Mall on Michigan <br />Street between Jefferson and Washington be postponed until <br />June 1, 1976, and that we have no objection to free parking <br />on the area between Jefferson and Washington Streets. <br />That's your motion, isn't it, Pete? <br />MR. CAESAR: That is the free, two -hour parking? <br />MR. NIMTZ: Well, this ... the fine points and the details, of course, are <br />legally in the Board of Public Works. We have nothing to <br />say about that. All we are saying, is that we have no objec- <br />tion to that area being used as parking. Right? <br />MR. DPNALDSON: That's right. <br />MR. E ANS: Mr. Chairman, does this make the extension of the previous <br />contract, which you discussed, a rather moot point? <br />