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COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Fri January 16, 1976 Transcript: Page 10 <br />MR. GEL: No.... [Laughter]. <br />I know that this has been studied in the Chamber of Commerce <br />by several Committees, and I believe that what Mr. Getzinger <br />said, I would reflect on the same. <br />MR. NIMTZ: Thank you, sir. <br />Mr. Bloomquist, do you have any comments, or? <br />MR. OLOOMQUIST: No. I agree with Hub, and the gentleman. <br />MR. IMTZ: All right. Thank you, sir. Any other questions or comments? <br />[None -- No response]. <br />Now, I have discussed this matter, informally, with the Mayor, <br />and, of course, I think we all realize the legal responsi- <br />bility on the parking is with the Board of Public Works, and <br />it's my understanding, if we have no objection to this and <br />approve this, this morning, this will go before the Board <br />of Public Works the next meeting, which will be Monday morning. <br />Am I correct on that, Mr. Butler? <br />MR. DUTLER: Yes. <br />MR. NIMTZ: Do I hear a motion? <br />MR. DONALDSON: I so move. <br />MR. ROBINSON: Support. <br />