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10. WELCOME EXTENDED TO FORMER REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER <br />ident Nimtz welcomed Mr. James G. Louis, former Vice <br />ident of the Redevelopment Commission. Mr. Louis <br />ed as Commissioner, in '56, '57 and '58. <br />11. fEIGHBORH00D DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, INDIANA A -10, SE #1 <br />rs. Janet S. Allen, said she heartily agreed that city - <br />wned properties should be kept spotlessly clean and sees <br />o reason for the lots down in the Southeast side to be <br />ittered. She said she didn't understand why the Urban <br />edevelopment does not assume its responsibility to keep <br />he lots clean and free of debris. The same thing <br />appened in LaSalle Park. She stated that is the job <br />f the Department of Redevelopment, and, if they acquire <br />he property, they should keep it clean. <br />Ir. Brownell explained that some of these houses were <br />emolished and the contractor is in the process of haul <br />ng debris away on the demolition. Mrs. Allen said these <br />ots are not necessarily only the ones involved in demoli- <br />ion,, but also are the vacant lots owned by the Park De <br />artment. Mr: Brownell advised that on those the Depart - <br />ent of Redevelopment has conveyed the property to the <br />ity for the Park Department. Where the contractors are <br />aking down houses for Redevelopment, we are responsible, <br />ut on the other properties we are not. <br />ommissioner Wiggins felt the best approach is being made <br />y the councilman for that area. They have taken pictures <br />nd have had all kinds of publicity. He also advised the <br />my properties that we have are the properties that are <br />urrently being demolished. The contractors who are demolish- <br />ng them are responsible to us to do the job to clean it up. <br />he rest of the "stuff" belongs to the city, and the respon- <br />ibility for maintaining it lies right with the title of the <br />roperty owner. <br />MR. JAMES G. LOUIS, <br />FORMER VICE PRESI- <br />DENT OF REDEVELOP- <br />MENT COMMISSION <br />N.D.P. PROJECT, <br />INDIANA A -10, SE #1 <br />ommissioner Wade asked Reverend Williams who he thought was <br />alling down on this, and Reverend Williams said the Sub - <br />tandard Division of the Bureau of Building & Permits. Com- <br />issioner Wiggins agreed that Substandard is certainly respon- <br />ible for the burned -out shells that are sitting there. Com <br />issioner Wade said that he concurs with Mrs. Allen to keep <br />he lots clean of debris, and asked if the request to Sub- <br />tandard can come from us, or if that should come from the <br />ity. Reverend Williams said that is the city's, but as that <br />as been happening and nothing is being done, it is the "wheel <br />hat squeaks the most gets the grease," but there wheels <br />ut there to squeak! Commissioner Wade asked if we can't do <br />ny squeaking for them, and asked the Reverend's recommenda- <br />ion. Reverend Williams said that we can and he recommended <br />e go to the Mayor. Mrs. Allen's recommendation was to have <br />he Common Council rewrite the ordinance regarding the clear - <br />nce of the lots by the Substandard Division. The Reverend <br />- 17 - <br />