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702 North St. Joseph Street_COA 2019-1108
Historic Preservation
Agendas & Packets
December 16, 2019
702 North St. Joseph Street_COA 2019-1108
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/19/2021 3:05:57 PM
Creation date
12/12/2019 3:35:49 PM
South Bend HPC
HPC Street Address
702 North St. Joseph Street
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determine that the smaller 10’ sashes were not viable, and in, having determined that, return to the Commission to <br />apply for replacing the windows with the larger double-hung window. <br /> <br />SITE VISIT REPORT: <br />November 13, 2018 <br /> <br />On November 12, 2018 I met with the owner of the property located at 702 N St. Joseph. She has applied to replace <br />the windows located on the south-facing third floor dormer. I was unable to go inside the structure as the tenant <br />works from home and did not want to be disturbed. I photographed the windows from the outside and was able to <br />determine that the one of the four sashes would need to be replaced or be rebuilt. The meeting rail of the top sash is <br />broken free. The other window has the sashes reversed meaning upper forced down and lower sash forced up. The <br />sashes do not look to be in place. <br />The owner provided me with a quote sheet for a Semco window from Richards Supply. I did not feel that the quote <br />provided enough information about what was being proposed. I went to Richards Supply and got model-specific <br />brochures and photographed a show room model. Photographs are in the digital file. <br /> <br />Steve Szaday <br />Preservation Inspector <br /> <br /> <br />STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: River Bend Local Historic District Standards and Guidelines <br />C. WINDOWS AND DOORS <br />Windows and door frames are in nearly all cases wood. Brick structures have stone sills and brick lintels; masonry bloc k structures have <br />masonry sills and lintels. In some cases where aluminum siding has been applied window trim has been covered. About half of the <br />structures in the district have aluminum storm windows, the other half wood storm windows. <br />Required <br />Original windows and doors including sash, lintels, sills, shutters, decorative glass, pediments, hoods, and hardware shall be retai ned <br />or when deteriorated beyond repair, replaced with duplicates of the existing or original. <br />Recommended <br />Wood frame storm windows and doors, painted to match the existing or original, should be used but should not damage existing frames and <br />should be removable in the future. If new sash and doors are used, the existing or original materials, design, and hardware should be used. <br />When metal storm doors are used, they should be painted anodized or coated to match the existing. When awnings are used they sh ould be of <br />canvas material. <br />Prohibited <br />Existing or original doors, windows, and hardware shall not be discarded when they can be re stored and re-used in place. New window and <br />door openings which would alter the scale and proportion of the building should not be introduced. Inappropriate new window and door <br />features such as aluminum insulating glass combinations that require the removal of the original windows and doors shall not be installed. <br />Not Recommended <br />Metal, vinyl, or fiberglass awnings, hoods, and fake shutters that would detract from the existing character or appearance of the building <br />should not be used. <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff accepts that the applicant attempted to find a smaller (approximately 10” <br />wide) aluminum-clad sash and was unable to do so. Given the applicant’s statements that windows of that size are <br />not available, staff recommends approval of replacing the southern and western dormer windows with Pella <br />Lifestyle Aluminum-clad windows as per the submitted application. <br /> <br />Written by <br />Adam Toering <br />Historic Preservation Specialist <br />Approved by <br />Elicia Feasel <br />Historic Preservation Administrator <br />
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