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V. <br />VI. <br />APPOINTMENT OF "REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER <br />President Nimtz advised this now leaves a vacancy as of September <br />1, 1974, on the Redevelopment Commission, and we need a nomination <br />to succeed Mr. Helmen at that time. <br />Mr. Morrison said he would like to nominate Mr. F. Jay Nimtz, as <br />a member of the Commission, provided he will accept. Mr. Nimtz <br />has served many years on a regular basis and Mr. Morrison felt <br />that Mr. Nimtz would be the logical successor. Mr. Weltheimer <br />seconded this motion and moved the nomination be closed. Motion <br />carried. <br />Before accepting the nomination officially, the record is to show <br />Mr. Nimtz submitted his resignation, effective immediately, to <br />the Board of Trustees, and will tender his resignation to the <br />Mayor officially in writing. <br />Mr. Nimtz said he will accept the nomination, and, at this point, <br />he turned the Chair over to the Vice President of the Board of <br />Trustees - -Mr. William J. Richardson - -to continue the meeting. <br />Mr. Richardson said the Trustees have voted to have Mr. Nimtz <br />appointed as a Redevelopment Commissioner to complete the term <br />of Mr. Fred J. Helmen. The motion was made, seconded, and there <br />were no further nominations for the office. The votes by the <br />Trustees present were recorded as "Ayes" unanimously, to have <br />Mr. F. Jay Nimtz appointed as a South Bend Redevelopment Com- <br />missioner to complete the term of Mr. Fred J. Helmen. <br />The minutes are also to show that Mr. Edgar Wertheimer, Secretary <br />of the Board of Trustees, had called and reported he is in favor <br />of accepting Mr. Heimen's resignation and in favor of nominating <br />Mr. Nimtz as a Redevelopment Commissioner - -and would like to so <br />vote by proxy - -and also stated the same information to Mr. Morri- <br />son the day prior. <br />MR. F. JAY NIMTZ COMMENDED FOR SERVICES ON BOARD OF'TROSTEES <br />The Acting Chairman - -Mr. William J. Richardson - -on behalf of the <br />Board of Trustees, recognizes Mr. Nimtz's services, and compliments <br />him for his diligent services and attendance at Redevelopment Com- <br />mission meetings. Mr. Nimtz was appointed as a member of the Re- <br />development Board of Trustees, by the former Mayor Lloyd M. Allen, <br />on November 26, 1969. Mr. Nimtz was nominated as Vice President <br />by the Board of Trustees in the Trustees Annual meeting of December <br />1, 1969; nominated President of the Board in the Annual meeting of <br />December 7, 1970; and consecutively re- elected as President in '71, <br />'72 and '73 - -the latter to serve through '74. Mr. Nimtz was re- <br />appointed as a member of the Redevelopment Board of Trustees by <br />Mayor Jerry J. Miller, on November 26, 1973, to renew the expira- <br />tion of the previous appointment, for another four -year term, which <br />would have continued to: November 26, 1977. <br />=0 <br />