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3 <br />D BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Indi iduals desiring grants and loans would submit their appli- <br />cati n within six (6) weeks of the start of operation. The <br />program could start as early as July 1, if all goes well. Ap- <br />plications received after six weeks would be placed on file for <br />future funding. Residents of the project area would be noti- <br />fied of procedures. The City Council is to consider funding <br />it od a scaled program and on other neighborhoods. <br />Inspections will be made to determine whether the house can be <br />brow ht up to code with the maximum grant of $5,000.00, and the <br />type and cost of repairs necessary. The homeowner, or his agent, <br />woulc accompany the inspector and must be notified of his right <br />to a peal. <br />The Pdvisory Committee would evaluate the applications -- selection <br />by lottery if more qualified applications than money available. <br />The houses that are unable to be rehabilitated for $5,000.00 shall <br />be acquired and demolished by the Redevelopment Commission. The <br />occu ants would be relocated under state rather than local funds. <br />Mr, Lennon advised the Homestead'Program would not necessarily <br />come under the state relocation or concept of moving homes. <br />The edevelopment Commission would approve applicants recommended <br />by t e Advisory Committee. The Redevelopment Commission would <br />sign the contracts for rehabilitation services. <br />Applicants who could demonstrate their ability to complete the <br />rehabilitation work themselves within a given time can receive <br />a grant for the materials, subject to ongoing and final inspection. <br />The ongoing inspection would be carried out during construction. A <br />final inspection would be required at completion. <br />Complaints or conflicts would be settled by the Advisory Committee. <br />The late dvisory Committee and the Redevelopment Commission would <br />eval the progress and effectiveness of the program. <br />A dilcussion and favorable comments were presented by the follow- <br />ing: <br />. Hollis E. Hughes, Jr., Executive Director, Model Cities <br />Program. <br />. Conrad Damian, Neighborhood /City Liaison Worker, South- <br />east Side PAC. <br />. Lester Fox, Director, R.E.A.L. Services. <br />Leonard Brooks, Jr., Southeast Center Director. <br />A favorable recommendation was made to accept the Neighborhood <br />Development Program Guidelines as presented, and dated June 21, <br />1974, in draft form. Said motion was made: by Mr. Wiggins, se- <br />conded by Rev. Williams and unanimously carried. (Copy attached <br />to official minutes). <br />- 7 - <br />