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6• -21 -74 Draft 4 <br />except if recommended otherwise by the Advisory Committee. <br />S. <br />The Redevelopment Commission shall. approve those applicants <br />recommended by the Advisory Committee. The Commission shall <br />then advertise for bids for the various contractual services <br />needed to rehabilitate houses in the program. Contracts will <br />be signed by the Redevelopment Commission and the contractor <br />in accordance with previously established procedures for <br />housing rehabilitation projects. A contract will also be <br />signed by the Commission and the homeowner stating what con- <br />tractual services will be covered by the grant or loan. <br />6. Applicants who can satisfy the Advisory Committee of their_ <br />demonstrated ability to complete the necessary rehabilitation <br />work by themselves within a given time can be exempted from the <br />bulk contract and will be provided the materials for use in the <br />work. All such work shall be subject to ongoing inspections and <br />a final inspection, <br />7. During the construction period, ongoing inspections shall be <br />conducted by the Division of Community Development. A final <br />inspection is required at the completion of the contracted work. <br />8. Any complaints or conflicts between the homeowner and any con- <br />tractor or inspector which cannot'be handled by Community <br />Development staff shall be dealt with by the Advisory Committee. <br />9. The Advisory Committee shall work with the Redevelopment Commission <br />and the Community Development staff in setting up a procedure for <br />evaluating the progress and effectiveness of the program. <br />4 <br />