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6- 21 -74 Draft 3 <br />Administrative Guidelines <br />1. Individuals desiring grants and loans shall submit an application <br />for participation in the Neighborhood Development Program. All <br />residents of .the project area shall be duly notified of their right <br />to participate and how to apply. All applications must be received <br />within six weeks of the program's inception. Those applications <br />received after the six -week deadline shall be placed on file for <br />future funding. <br />2. upon application, Community Development staff inspectors will be <br />sent to the applicant's house to determine: <br />a. Whether the house can be brought up to code within <br />the economic confines of a maximum grant and loan <br />b. ,that repairs are necessary, and <br />c. The estimated cost of the necessary repairs. <br />The homeowner or his agent must accompany the ins ector throughout <br />the inspection. Notice of an appeal process must be given to the <br />homeowner at the time of inspection. <br />3. At the end of the six -week application period, the Advisory Committee <br />shall evaluate the applications in conjunction with the inspector's <br />report, and shall recommend which applicants are to receive grants <br />and loans and in what amount. If the number of applications exceeds <br />the amount of funds available for grants and loans, selection shall <br />e made by lottery from among the eligible applicants. <br />4. Applicants whose houses are determined by the Inspectors unable to <br />be brought up to code condition with a maximum grant and loan shall <br />e relocated by the Division of Community Development. These houses <br />hall be bought-by the Redevelopment Commission after being appraised, <br />