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5. JOLD BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />The Presiding Officer, Commissioner Wiggins, advised that the <br />Commissioners had discussed this in the earlier session and <br />feel the prices are in line and the amounts have been lowered <br />from the original asking prices. The largest factor was the <br />concern of spending the additional funds to have all the plant- <br />ings End landscaping done when the Hickey contract work is com- <br />plete(, or to hold off on the plantings until next fall, as the <br />contr ct specifies. It was felt this was well worth the expendi- <br />ture to enhance the area for the downtown merchants for the <br />grand opening. <br />On motion by Mr. Wade, seconded by Rev. Williams and carried, <br />ChangE Order No. 2 to Contract No. 2 was authorized to be pre- <br />pared to cover the above work, in an amount not to exceed <br />$4,92-4.00. <br />b. The Hickey Company, Inc. This letter was discussed CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 <br />in thE prior executive sessions of today and April 5, which is TO CONTRACT NO. 2, <br />a req est for additions in the amount of $75,123.00, and dele- PHASE III, R -66 <br />tions in amount of $19,428.40, or a total increase in contract <br />price of $55,694.60. <br />Mr. Din Akin, our resident engineer, reviewed this change order, <br />advis ng the contract was let approximately June 22, 1973. We <br />had r ceived letters on the Jefferson Street Alternate at the <br />time and in August and September. Because of this delay, the <br />Hicke bid was no longer valid, as they were only required to <br />hold ids for 30 days. Hickey had omitted nine bus shelters <br />from he Jefferson Street Alternate bid. We added $17,425 for <br />the n if ne shelters; developed the downtown bus area, which then <br />elimi ated this amount, and a credit of $2,003.40 added when <br />this as all done. In October, the Commission approved to build <br />Jeffe son two -way, rather than one -way street, and this Change <br />Order No. 11 covers an increase of $39,100 for the two -way in <br />lieu one -way. <br />Hickey was not able to proceed with the construction, or material, <br />or subcontract negotiations, until he was given notice to proceed, <br />approximately 140 days after his bid was submitted. On Change <br />Order No. 11, Hickey is submitting additional costs in amount of <br />$18,5S8 for 60 -day extension. It is worded in the change order <br />to re d that he is entitled to this money because he will have <br />to do the work within the 60 days beyond the original. contract <br />compl tion date. At same time Hickey submitted a schedule for <br />this !pring's work to be done by the original completion date. If <br />he do s complete the Jefferson Street by completion date, then we <br />can a iminate the $18,598 additional payment he is requesting. <br />Commissioner Wade asked, for the record, how they miscalculated <br />this much. Hickey said they couldn't get it done a short time <br />ago arid now are able to make the deadline. What happened? Mr. <br />Lennon answered that the Commissioner speaking is probably the <br />one responsible. The Hickey Company may have tired of our Ohone <br />calls and our pressure. The staff followed through on Mr. Wade's <br />prior suggestion. <br />-6- <br />