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4. <br />ICATIONS (Cont'd <br />Mr. Le <br />non advised the staff will follow through on the <br />additi <br />)nal information required. <br />On motion <br />by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wade and carried, <br />the ab <br />ve letters were to be recorded and placed on file. <br />f. S. S. Kresge Company letter dated April 15, 1974: <br />S. S. KRESGE COMPANY <br />Mr. Lennon <br />advised he received this letter, which is oveF the <br />CONFIRMATION OF SALE, <br />signat <br />re of Mr. D. H. Burdick II, Assistant Secretary & <br />R -66 <br />Direct <br />)r of Property Management, of the international head- <br />quarters, <br />in Troy, Michigan, to let us know and confirm that <br />they have <br />entered into a contract to sell their downtown <br />South <br />Bend Store #101, located at 201 South Michigan Street, <br />to The <br />National Bank and Trust Company. They will continue <br />to operate <br />their Kresge Store for the remainder of this year <br />and give <br />possession of the property to The National Bank in <br />January, <br />1975. <br />g. The Philadelphia, Inc. letter dated April 15, <br />THE PHILADELPHIA, INC. <br />1974: <br />This letter was submitted to Mr. James E. Armstrong, <br />REQUEST HUD REVIEW OF <br />Area Director, <br />Department of Housing & Urban Development, <br />RELOCATION CLAIM, R -66 <br />over the <br />signatures of the owners, Andrew P. and Theodore E. <br />Poledor, <br />with a copy to our office. They are requesting <br />HUD review <br />of their claim, per regulations. <br />On motion <br />by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wade and carried, <br />the t <br />o above letters were also to be recorded and placed <br />on file. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />a. Exterior Designing, Inc. Mr. Dave Burroff, Presi- CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 <br />dent, is requesting Commission approval for a change order in TO CONTRACT NO. 2, <br />the amount of $4,922.00, covering the following items: EXTERIOR DESIGNING, <br />INC., R -66 <br />Presei <br />Origii <br />Staff <br />tion: <br />ted <br />ally: $ 11,860.00 For additional changes on LaSalle <br />Hotel Driveway <br />- 2,438.00 Deletions <br />22.0 Increase <br />- 8,500.00 Decrease, Jefferson Street <br />922.00 Balance <br />Recommenda- <br />$ 922.00 Balance <br />2,000.00 Two 6" Caliber Red Oak trees <br />which were omitted to be placed <br />in front of S. S. Kresge Co. <br />2,000.00 Healing -in of 18 to 22 trees in <br />front of Jefferson in order that <br />the entire landscaping contract <br />can be completed by June 25, in <br />accordance with The Hickey Co. <br />$ 4,922.00 Total - Change Order No. 2 <br />_5_ <br />