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7. <br />GRESS REPORTS (Cont' <br />3) N.D.P. E -7: We have requested $563,000 in revenue N.D.P. E -7 <br />sharin funds for this project. This is up for the first <br />reading, Monday, April 22. The Redevelopment Commission have <br />previously gone on record supporting the project. <br />Northeast Code Enforcement Project E-31 E -5: These NORTHEAST CODE EN- <br />projects are scheduled for close-out officially. The HUD audi- FORCEMENT PROJECT <br />for is presently checking the accounting records, and in a week E -3 & E -5 <br />or two should have his report in to us. <br />5) Model Cities. Code Enforcement Project E -6: This MODEL CITIES CODE <br />project is locally funded by Model Cities at no cost to us. ENFORCEMENT PROJECT <br />We have two staff members on this project paid by Model Cities. E -6 <br />This is the 5th and last year for this project. <br />6) The Housing Allowance Program: Mr. Lennon advised HOUSING ALLOWANCE <br />this Program has been accepted by the City. PROGRAM <br />7) Staff - Eldon Schlemmer: Mr. Lennon advised we STAFF RESIGNATION: <br />received a letter of resignation from our draftsman and inspec- ELDON SCHLEMMER <br />tor, r. Eldon Schlemmer. Because of the Federal cutback, we <br />are a couraging our staff to find other employment. <br />8) Other Staff: Mr. Lennon also advised that Mr. Ron OTHER STAFF <br />Preston, one of our former employees has been hired to work'; <br />with Mr. Burroff, our landscape contractor for the River Bend <br />Plaza. <br />9) Staff Reports: <br />a. Business Relocation, R -66: Mr. John A. Kotzen- BUSINESS RELOCATION, <br />mache ,Director, Business Relocation Division, submitted the R -66 <br />follo ing written report: <br />Merry <br />report <br />of the <br />R -66: <br />A -10: <br />R-57: <br />No claims filed during the month of March, 1974. <br />venue Project: One claim was paid, in the amount of <br />8,973.00, to Mr. & Mrs. Madison Scott. <br />b. Property Management Report: This written <br />is also from Mr. Jon A. Kotzenmacher, as Director <br />Property Management Division: <br />Total receipts collected during the month of March, <br />1974 was: $4,814.75. This amount included a <br />delinquency collection of $900.00. <br />Total amount collected in month of March was $41.00. <br />Only tenant in the project. <br />No tenants at present time. <br />- 11 - <br />PROPERTY MANAGEMENT <br />REPORT <br />