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7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />month Many new operations will be started: brick paving, <br />installation of light poles, street paving and many other <br />opera ions. The landscape work is continuing, privet hedge <br />is being planted, some of the major trees are being shipped, <br />the grading will be completed in both of the large planters in <br />next lew weeks, yews, cottoneaster, etc. will be installed <br />and the ground cover will be placed. A tremendous change <br />will te taking place within the next few weeks. <br />A short discussion followed on the difficulty the contractor <br />has i obtaining the black gravel - -re Hickey letter dated <br />April 3, 1974. <br />d. Authority Update: This was previously discussed under AUTHORITY UPDATE <br />the River Bend Plaza Authority above la. Also the fact that the <br />Autho ity itself consists of the members of the Board of Public <br />Works. A set of guidelines have been prepared for adoption. <br />e. Phil Simonds Report: Mr. Simonds attended our last <br />construction meeting, Tuesday, and President Helmen said he <br />had asked him about the progress of the Plaza. Mr. Simonds <br />had said he talked to the contractor who has done an adequate job and was pleased with the information. He thought the <br />coordination work was not excellent, but very good. The <br />contractors are on schedule and everything is quite satis- <br />factory. <br />f. Landscape Schedule: <br />schedule is also as noted a <br />discussed above. The trees <br />planted. <br />g. Dedication Update: <br />action taken by Commission, <br />Mr. Lennon said the landscape <br />nd received. This item was also <br />are coming in daily and are being <br />This was previously discussed and <br />under 5a. Old Business. <br />PHIL SIMONDS <br />REPORT <br />LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE <br />DEDICATION UPDATE <br />h. Public Welfare Building: The Commissioners have received PUBLIC WELFARE <br />a report on fo w- <br />oup on t e Department of Public Welfare Build- BUILDING, R -66 <br />ing re arding Commission's action for the extension of time to <br />April 15, 1974, with the four stipulated conditions. <br />Mr. Le non advised that we have not received all the information <br />requested. Julius O'Neal has advised there will be no increased <br />costs )ecause of the delay. The wage determination has been ap- <br />proved by HUD. The County Commissioners have also.stated that <br />will b no additional costs, the move is being planned, and we <br />have n tified the contractor of the notice to proceed for April <br />16, 19 4. At the present time, they are planning to close the <br />doors f the Welfare Building on Thursday to move. <br />Mr. Le non also advised that the power house scheduled for demolition <br />is scheduled to receive 'bids for the demolition, at the Board of <br />Public Works, Monday. The demolition costs will be paid by the <br />Civic Center Authority. <br />=VAE <br />