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6. N5W BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Mr. L nnon advised he hopes to come back with some information <br />that e will have a program after July 1, 1974. <br />On mo ion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mousAove carried, the Executive Director was authorized to attend <br />the Conference. <br />j motion Agreement: Approval was requested for an OPTION AGREEMENT <br />Optior Agreement, for Parcel No. 1 -12, located at 2206 W. APPROVED, PARCEL <br />Washington Street, at concurred -in price of $10,850.00, in the NO. 1 -12, MERRY AVE. <br />Merry Avenue Project PROJECT <br />On mo ion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mous) carried, the President was authorized to enter into <br />and a ecute' the above- listed Option Agreement. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />1) R -66: <br />a. River Bend Plaza: Mr. Louis N. Wilcox, Director <br />of th River Bend Plaza, submitted a written report on his <br />activ ties for the River Bend Plaza Authority. <br />The o fice is located at 112 South Michigan Street, is now <br />open and staffed. The telephone number is: 284 -9359. Desks <br />are being furnished to the Bicentennial Committee and the <br />Festival '74 group and will be working together for many <br />exciting events. <br />The barricades are being repainted tomorrow, with prizes to <br />be aw rded for the best designs. <br />The R ver Bend Plaza Advisory Committee meets every Tuesday, <br />at 1: 0 p.m., at the Chamber of Commerce Conference Room. <br />The s scions have been well attended and constructive. <br />The office is beginning to receive offers of assistance, <br />programs, ideas and visits from interested citizens and feel <br />we will have a full schedule for the Plaza and move towards our <br />goal of a vital, interesting, and exciting South Bend. <br />b. Construction Meetings: These meetings are held <br />the 1 t and 3rd 1=uesdays of each month. Mr. Dan Akin has <br />also ubmitted the monthly progress report on the River Bend <br />Plaza--itemized--and the Commissioners have a copy. <br />c. Construction Schedule: The Hickey Company has sub- <br />mitted their new schedule for spring work and the schedule now <br />calls for all work to be completed by June 21, 1974. Mr. Dan <br />Akin, our site project engineer, advised that at the present <br />time The Hickey Company is on schedule and have been the past <br />- 11 - <br />RIVER BEND PLAZA <br />ACTIVITIES <br />CONSTRUCTION MEETINGS <br />