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4. §EALED BIDS DISPOSITION PARCEL NO. 7 -1A <br />he Redevelopment Commission of the City of South Bend <br />advertised to receive sealed offers for the purchase of <br />certain parcel of land situated in the Central Downtown <br />Proje t Area, at 10:30 a.m., E.S.T., on the 7th day of <br />Decem er, 1973: <br />arcel approximately 17,505 square feet, designated <br />s Disposition Parcel 7 -1A, with a minimum acceptable <br />nit bid price of $2.66 square foot, total minimum ac- <br />eptable price, subject to survey $46,563.50. <br />The advertisement appeared in The South Bend Tribune and <br />Tri -C unty News, on November 2 and November 9, 1973. The <br />certi ications of the proofs of publications were submitted <br />by Mr Lennon and stated for the public record. <br />Mr. L nnon requested if there were any sealed bids to be <br />recei ed for the purchase of parcel designated as Disposi- <br />tion larcel No. 7 -1A. This is the northern portion of <br />land ommonly known as the Royal Inn property. <br />Mr. T omas Gibson, representing the St. Joseph Bank & Trust <br />Comps y, submitted a sealed bid from Mr. Earl Gagosian, owner <br />of th Royal Inn of South Bend, Indiana for this parcel. <br />Mr. L nnon asked if there were any other bids to submit for <br />this arcel, with no further response. The question was <br />again asked, "Are there any other bids ?" <br />No fu they bids were submitted. Mr. Lennon opened the bid- - <br />contents showing: The bid submitted is for $2.66 per square <br />foot, or a total bid of $46,563.50, from Earl Gagosian. Ac- <br />companying the bid is a bank money order, in the amount of <br />$4,6515.35, and his proposal for acquisition of Disposition <br />Parcel No. 7 -1A, being approximately 17,505 square feet, at <br />$2.66 per square foot, or $46,563.50. This is subject to <br />the actual square footage on final survey. All documenta- <br />tion Was enclosed with the bid: Narrative description as <br />part of Exhibit "3" to proposal dated December 7, 1973; <br />Redev loper's Affidavit of Non - Collusion; Redeveloper's <br />Statement for Public Disclosure and Redeveloper's Statement <br />of Qu lifications and Financial Responsibility. The Narra- <br />tive tates: <br />arl Gagosian, presently proposes to purchase Redevelop - <br />ent Parcel 7 -1A for the purpose of constructing parking <br />acilities. Mr. Gagosian presently holds title to Re- <br />evelopment Parcel 7 -1 on which the Royal Inn is located. <br />he proposed parking facilities are intended to supple - <br />ent those of the Royal Inn. This use is intended to <br />armonize with the objectives and overall plan of the <br />entral downtown redevelopment area. <br />BID RECEIVED FROM <br />EARL GAGOSIAN, FOR <br />DISPOSITION PARCEL <br />NO. 7 -1A, R -66 <br />