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91 <br />taut <br />writ <br />ing <br />STAFF REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />d. Merry Avenue Project: Mr..Larry E. Wartha, Assis- <br />Director of Administration and Finance, submitted his <br />en report for this Project for the month, with follow - <br />hanges from last months: <br />Madi on Scott is in the final stages for relocation - -all <br />othe s relocated. <br />Area Plan Commission recommended petition for rezoning favor- <br />ably on 11- 20 -73, subject to final site plan. Public hear- <br />ing y City Council is scheduled for 12- 17 -73. <br />e. Property Management Report: Mr. John A. Kotzen- <br />mach r, Director of Property Management, had the following <br />for he month of November: <br />-66: Total receipts collected for November: <br />$ 8,307.78. <br />-57: Total collected for November: $52.50 (this <br />was the past -due amount for October. <br />f. Rehabilitation Re�_ oor�rt��: Mr. William C. Ellison, <br />Assis ant Director of Re a-bilitation, submitted following: <br />R -57: <br />E -3 & <br />E -5: <br />10 rehabilitation complaint jobs completed 12 -4 -73. <br />2 incomplete rehabilitation jobs have not had final <br />inspections. One final inspection on one new <br />housing structure. <br />Four final inspections made. <br />Relocation Progress Report: Mrs. Dorothy Howell, <br />Direc or of Residential Relocation, submitted a written report <br />for t e month: <br />E -5: <br />A -10, <br />R -57: <br />Merry <br />Closed. <br />One family remains on workload who is in process <br />of moving. <br />SE #1: Workload: 36 - -27 families and 9 individuals. <br />Very cooperative and eager to move. <br />MN #1: Workload: 19 - -12 families and 7 individuals. <br />16 Replacement Housing Payments have been paid. <br />Working with the families and individuals. <br />Workload: 3 families. <br />Avenue: One family remaining -- negotiating for relocation <br />!'•PM <br />MERRY AVENUE PROJECT <br />PROPERTY MANAGEMENT <br />REPORT <br />REHABILITATION REPORTI <br />RELOCATION PROGRESS <br />REPORT <br />