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VII <br />IX. <br />OTHER (Cont'd) <br />and the positive attitude of the downtown community- -and the <br />community as a whole - -has been outstanding. Many people said <br />it will never work. Some said we have the patience and it will <br />work out. This is a credit to the Trustees and Commission, <br />and we as a full team are certain that it will work. The Mall <br />is on schedule and we have only had five (5) non - working days <br />since May 1st. <br />Mr. Richardson said he wanted to compliment the Commissioners <br />as a member of the South Bend Public Transportation Corporation. <br />He has been living in this community all his life and he has <br />seen negative attitudes towards new thinking for the community, <br />but through the Trustees and Commissioners working together for <br />the community will help the Public Transportation Corporation. <br />The cooperation has been especially grand and marvelous. Always <br />positive- -this speaks very highly of the Commissioners, staff, <br />and everyone involved. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />On motion duly made by Mr. Morris Morrison, seconded by Mr. Williams <br />Richardson, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.. <br />(SEAL) <br />P sident Ed' r Wertheimer, Secretary <br />- 4 - <br />