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V. I RESOLUTION NO. 495 (Cont'd) <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this <br />resolution be spread upon the Minutes. of the Board <br />of Trustees and a copy thereof be dispatched to <br />Josephine Curtis. <br />Motion for adoption of Resolution No. 495 was made by Mr. <br />Wertheimer, seconded by Mr. Welsheimer and passed by unani- <br />mous vote. <br />VI. I RESOLUTION NO. 496 <br />RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the De- <br />partment of Redevelopment of the City of South Bend <br />expresses its thanks and appreciation, and that of <br />the citizens of the City of South Bend to the Redevelop- <br />ment Commissioners for their diligence and devotion to <br />the Redevelopment program of the City of South Bend dur- <br />ing their respective tenures of office. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commissioners of <br />the Department of Redevelopment be commended for the <br />progress and accomplishments that have been.achieved <br />in the Redevelopment program during the past calendar <br />year. <br />Motion for.adoption of Resolution No. 496 was made by Mr. <br />Richardson, seconded by Mr. Welsheimer and passed by unani- <br />mous vote. <br />VII. RESOLUTION NO. 497 <br />VIII. <br />RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the De- <br />partment of Redevelopment of the City of South Bend <br />commends the entire staff of the Department of Redevelop- <br />ment, and, in particular, Charles F. Lennon, Jr., Direc- <br />tor, and Ms: Helen S. King, Executive Secretary, for <br />their devotion to duty, dedication, and unheralded hours <br />of work to the Redevelopment program during the past <br />calendar year. Without their sustained effort, the <br />program would be bogged down. <br />Motion for adoption of Resolution No. 497 was made by Mr. <br />Welsheimer, seconded by Mr. Wertheimer and passed by unani- <br />mous vote. <br />Mr. Lennon said tremendous emphasis should be on the program <br />started sometime ago, and seeing the fruits of it done is only <br />because of the commitment of the Trustees and Commissioners, <br />-3- <br />