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3. A PROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont'd) <br />REIMBURSEMENT TO REVOLVING FUND FOR SEPTEMBER, 1973: <br />Code Enforcement <br />E -3 <br />$ 2,422.67 <br />Code Enforcement <br />E -5 <br />1,558.10 <br />P.E.A. <br />Ind. R -57 <br />10,583.52 <br />P.E.A. <br />Ind. R -66 <br />10,113.40 <br />Merry <br />Avenue Project <br />548.91 <br />N.D.P <br />A -10 <br />6,428.89 <br />Urban <br />Redevelopment Fund <br />1,058.32 <br />Total <br />32,713.81 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. <br />Indiana Public Disclosure Law: Mr. <br />Lennon advised, <br />INDIANA PUBLIC <br />at the <br />last session of the Redevelopment Commission <br />meeting, <br />DISCLOSURE LAW <br />we were <br />handed the "Indiana Disclosure Law <br />(Burns 57- 601 -57- <br />606)", <br />as it relates to public records and <br />public proceedings, <br />by South <br />Bend Tribune Reporter, Ms. Jeanne <br />Derbeck. <br />Mr. Lennon stated we have reviewed the statements as it re- <br />lates to this Public Disclosure Law, presented to us by Ms. <br />Derbeck, and her comments at the last meeting. President <br />Helmen was not able to be here in that particular Commission <br />meeting. The Commissioners feel that we will continue with <br />the 9:30 a.m. meeting, and, as matters of courtesy and open- <br />ness rather than law, we will invite the public to the 9:30 <br />a.m. sessions. We will review the claims before the Commission <br />at that time. The procedure will be that confidential matters, <br />such as appraisals- -which by state law are confidential matters <br />as it ^elates to Burns Statutes--will be discussed privately. <br />The gr and rules will be - -we do not do for one that we cannot <br />do for another - -the Press and general public would all be <br />asked to leave the room during the confidential discussion- - <br />any ma tern confidential by law. The news media and general <br />public would be asked to leave, and we would ask them to come <br />back w en the Commission was finished with the private discus- <br />sion. <br />President Helmen reiterated this does not apply to the Press <br />alone. It applies to the general public also and anyone can <br />attend The Regular Commission meeting will begin at 10:30 <br />a.m., its prior, and everyone has the same rights as the Press <br />has. hat will be the policy from here on. <br />b. HUD Telegram Dated October 2, 1973: Mr. Lennon ad- 312 - 115 REHABILITA- <br />vised we received a telegram from the Department of Housing & TION LOAN AND GRANT <br />Urban levelopment, from Mr. Choice Edwards, Acting Director, PROGRAMS SUSPENDED <br />in regards to our self- approval status for the 312 -115 Rehabi- <br />litate n Loan and Grant Programs, stating the programs have <br />been t mporarily suspended. Complete HUD review and approval <br />proced res are now in effect until further notice. <br />- 5 - <br />