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6. N W BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />of traffic signals. It looked good on paper, but didn't <br />work. <br />On mo ion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Rev. Williams and unani- <br />mously carried, Change Order No. 8 to Contract No. 5 was ap- <br />proveo for an increase in contract amount of $16,579.00. <br />f Additional Funds for Relocation of families under <br />City-Wide Program: Commission concurrence was requested <br />for approval to request additional monies for the relocation <br />of families under Code Enforcement Program, city -wide, from <br />the City Council. The Commission received a copy of this re- <br />quest showing a breakdown of the expenditures, and if the <br />Commi sion will approve this, then the City Council will re- <br />ceive copies. <br />Mr. Lennon advised these would be in areas outside of our <br />jurisdiction to cover families in burnt -out situations. The <br />City-wide disbursements in 1972 shows 34 referrals, at a <br />total expenditure of $7,710.00; and for 1973, we have had <br />78 referrals, at a total cost of $53,399.51. We have had to <br />comp13 with the State and Federal Relocation law. The State <br />Law H use Bill No. 1832, Section 7 and Section 8, states that <br />a rehousing payment, not in excess of $2,500.00, shall be paid <br />to persons displaced by Code Enforcement Activities. <br />We ha %e a tremendous amount of substandard homes in the over- <br />all j risdiction of relocation. If it falls in our project <br />area, then it comes under the 100% Federal guidelines for re- <br />location; anywhere else in the city, it falls under city -wide <br />relocation. <br />Mr. Lennon showed a chart designating the families we have <br />moved showing the areas they moved into. Open housing is <br />prese t in our community. The Council gives us $60,000 a year, <br />and il this amount is not spent, it goes back into the general <br />fund. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mous) carried, the request for additional monies for the <br />Relocation Division, dated October 17, 1973, was authorized <br />to be presented to the City Council. <br />Upon uestioning by Mrs. Janet S. Allen, she was informed of <br />the p oper documents where her questions could be researched. <br />g. Change Order for Casimer Banicki: Approval was re- <br />quested for a Change Order for Mr. Banicki, in the amount of <br />$125.00 for additional electrical work, in the basement. This <br />is for Parcel No. 21 -4, located at 1014 West Colfax, and the <br />original approved grant was for $2,675.00. This amount is <br />needed to bring the house up to code. <br />- 10 - <br />CITY -WIDE RELOCATION <br />CHANGE ORDER APPROVED, <br />PARCEL NO. 21 -4, E -5 <br />