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7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />Eight rehabilitation jobs remain in the E -3 area. Out of <br />the eight, four are problem cases which should be finished <br />within fifteen (15) calendar days. <br />We have eight rehabilitation jobs remaining in the E -5 <br />area. Steps are being made to correct the problems and <br />see that the rehabilitation work is completed. <br />The E-6 rehabilitation project is now in full operation. <br />A total of 373 certified letters were mailed in August <br />to the project residents explaining the program's guide- <br />lines and basic eligibility requirements. The response <br />has been very good. <br />Messrs. Hollis Hughes, Ed Dunn, and Ike Steed are organ- <br />izing contractors meeting to expand our present list of <br />contra otrs who are willing to work in housing rehabilita- <br />tion. <br />Mr. Le non advised on the closing of the three projects- - <br />E -3, E-5 and R- 57 - -HUD representatives from Indianapolis <br />were h re for review and they will be requesting the HUD <br />audito s to come in and close out that area. R -57 will <br />be com )fined with R -66 and will not cost the City any money. <br />g. Relocation Progress Report: Mrs. Dorothy Howell, <br />Direct r of Residential Relocation, submitted a written <br />report for her staff for the month of September: <br />Ind. R 66: Project is closed. Additional payments are being <br />made. <br />Kaley $chool & Project E -3: Projects closed. <br />Southeast Side A -10: Nine (9) offers to purchase letters <br />we ,e received. All cases have been assigned to the <br />Re ocation Officers. Claims for relocation benefits <br />are being submitted. <br />Model Cities A -10: In this project we have received <br />17 offers to purchase letters. All cases are assigned <br />to officers, relocation benefits are being paid and staff <br />working with families. <br />Ind. R 57: Workload five (5) families - -one family is pur- <br />ch sing a home and expects to move by this weekend. Work- <br />in with remaining families. <br />Merry Avehue Project: Remaining on workload two (2) families. <br />Yn family is expected to move by September 13. <br />Model Cities Substandard: Workload fourteen (14) families. <br />Ci_ ter Wide: Workload thirty -seven (37). 36 families and one <br />in ividuai. <br />- 13 - <br />RELOCATION PROGRESS <br />REPORT <br />