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4. 1 <br />the <br />do <br />Han <br />bli <br />the <br />As <br />Mr. <br />the <br />acc <br />Par <br />Sin <br />det <br />qua <br />men <br />con <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. HUD letter dated May 15, 1973: This letter, over <br />signature of Mr. H. L. Bainaka, Acting Director, Opera - <br />is Division, relates to the new HUD guidelines on HUD <br />(book 1320.1, Real Property Acquisition, which esta- <br />:hes uniform policies and requirements applicable to <br />acquisition of real property under all HUD Community <br />!lopment Programs. <br />:here are many changes in policies and requirements, <br />Bainaka suggests we study and analyze the contents of <br />HUD Handbook and conform future acquisition activities <br />irdingly. Reference was made to Chapter 3, Section 1, <br />graph 29, (Page 20), in part: <br />"Negotiations for the purchase of real property shall <br />be performed by qualified members of the Agency's <br />staff or by experienced real estate brokers. However, <br />negotiations shall not be conducted by any person, in- <br />cluding the appraisers, the Agency's reviewing appraiser, <br />and relocation personnel, who participated in the deter- <br />mination of the fair market value of the property or <br />the owner's eligibility for, or the amount of, reloca- <br />tion payments. This separation of functions does not <br />prevent a negotiator from furnishing an owner informa- <br />tion pertaining to relocation advisory assistance, ser- <br />vices, and payments available to him..." <br />:e the review appraiser has the major responsibility in <br />!rmination of just compensation, he should be a highly <br />ified real estate appraiser who can fulfill the require - <br />.s of Chapter 2, Paragraph 21, (Page 11), and that we may <br />ider the contracting of an independent fee appraiser. <br />Thi3 new procedure eliminates all concurrence by HUD in any <br />acq isition activities, except those in acquisition of pro- <br />perty to be acquired from the United States Government. HUD <br />reviews and controls will be confined to periodic performance <br />exa inations. <br />Mr. Lennon advised the Commission we have access to highly - <br />qua ified review appraisers and have been doing this. <br />b. HUD letter dated May 21, 1973: This letter, over <br />the signature of Mr. H. L. Bainaka, Acting Director, Opera - <br />tio s Division, advised the reports required for relocation <br />activities under laws prior to the Uniform Relocation Assis- <br />tan a and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, <br />(Uniform Relocation Act), are entirely different from the <br />rep rting requirements under the new law. The final reports <br />wer for the period ending December 31, 1972. The forms re- <br />qui ed, as well as the reporting period, are different. <br />4 <br />REAL PROPERTY <br />ACQUISITION <br />RELOCATION REPORTING <br />REQUIREMENTS <br />