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7. <br />re <br />PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />f. Property Management Report: Mr. John A. Kotzen- PROPERTY MANAGEMENT <br />er, Director of Property Management, submitted a written REPORT <br />rt for the month of May, 1973: <br />In the R -66 Program, the total rent receipts collected for <br />th month of May, 1973 was: $5,849.51. <br />In the R -57 Program, we have a <br />be an paying rent as of May 1, <br />$42­75. <br />g. Rehabilitation Report, <br />Ellison, Assistant Director of <br />su mitted a written report for <br />tenant in the Project who <br />1973. Rent collected was: <br />Site Offices: Mr. William C. <br />Re a ilitation Division, <br />the site office operations: <br />Ei ht initial inspections, eight re- inspections, four follow - <br />up inspections, three final inspections, four grants approved, <br />th ee loans submitted and three approved, and twenty -three <br />progress inspections. <br />REHABILITATION <br />REPORTS, R -57, E -3, <br />E -5 & NDP A -10 <br />Heavy emphasis will be placed on grants and loans during the <br />month of June. With the money allocated from HUD for each <br />project, all efforts will be made to service as many residents <br />in each project as possible with loans and grants to rehabi- <br />litate their homes, with priorities going to R -57 Project. <br />Mrs. Margaret Rush, E -5 Coordinator, submitted a written re- <br />port for the month. Survey of future development has been <br />completed and of the substandard buildings in the 1200 block of <br />West Washington Avenue. Presented a report to the Physical <br />Comnittee as to disposition of broken sidewalks and a need <br />for more street lights in the E -5 second year. Housing meet- <br />ings are being held on a weekly basis to expedite contracts <br />for rehabilitation and demolition contracts for Redevelopment <br />and Substandard Departments. Ten cases for the month, on <br />the Emergency Repair Fund, with a total of $803.74 approved <br />for grants. <br />Mr. <br />rep <br />and <br />two <br />a <br />clo <br />Pub <br />mak <br />has <br />is <br />Keith P. Crighton, Finance Officer, submitted a written <br />>rt, advising the finance staff has processed three loans <br />four grants during the month of May, and have also closed <br />loans -- one for R -57 and one for E -5. They anticipate <br />pry productive period for the month of June prior to project <br />;e -out. Eight dwellings were brought before the Board of <br />lic Safety for demolition approval during May. Staff is <br />ng significant progress in removing the burnt -out and <br />lalized structures in all three projects. Mr. Crighton <br />as his objective to remove every abandoned structure that <br />iot feasible for rehabilitation prior to close -out. <br />- 12 - <br />