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4. <br />As <br />and <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />he bids cover the base bids, Alternates No. <br />5, and the Jefferson Street Alternate, and <br />are not being listed in the minutes, due t <br />ityof the bids. The tabulation totals six <br />tacked to the original copy of the minutes <br />1,2,3,4 <br />combinations, <br />o the complex- <br />pages, copy at- <br />for the record. <br />President Helmen, in addressing the audience, advised the <br />matter of new business for which the meeting was called, <br />and in fact the only business this morning, has to do with <br />the award of the contract for the Pedestrian Way. The Com- <br />mission spent a lot of time last Friday, and again today, <br />stu ying the bids and asked the Commissioners whether some- <br />one lwill make the award? <br />Mr. Wiggins made the motion that the contract for the Pedes- <br />trian Mall, Contract No. 5, be awarded to the lowest bidder, <br />Hickey Construction Co., Inc., subject to the Department of <br />Housing and Urban Development approval, our Legal Counsel ap- <br />proval, and an approved, by the Department of Redevelopment, <br />work schedule between the General Contractor and all Subcon- <br />tractors, and Contract No. 2, and an acceptable negotiation <br />with the Hastings Company complex as it relates to all the <br />brick work, and acceptance of the Jefferson Street Alternate <br />negotiation and the final approval of our consulting engineer. <br />Said motion was seconded by Rev. Williams. <br />The Chair requested an individual poll of each member: Each <br />of tie five Commissioners cast their vote as "Aye "; none ab- <br />stai ing or "Nay" votes. Motion unanimously carried. <br />Mr. 4iggins further made the motion that the contract for the <br />Pede trian Mall, Indiana R -66, Contract No. 2, be awarded to <br />the low bidder, Exterior Designing, Inc., at: $206,474.00, <br />subj ct to approval by the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development, to our Legal Counsel approval, an approved work <br />schedule between the contractor and all subcontractors and <br />Contract No. 5, acceptance of the Jefferson Street Alternate, <br />and final approval by our consulting engineer. Said motion <br />was seconded by Rev. Williams. <br />Again the Chair made a poll of the individual members. With <br />each of the five Commissioners again casting their vote as <br />"Aye"; none abstaining or "Nay" votes, the motion was unani- <br />mous y carried. <br />The <br />Inc. <br />Comm. <br />if hf <br />;hair said a representative of Hickey Construction Co., <br />Mr. Gerald A. Hickey, is present and will meet with the <br />ssion at a later date. President Helmen asked Mr. Hickey <br />would say a few words. <br />- 4 - <br />PEDESTRIAN MALL <br />CONTRACT NO. 5, R -66, <br />AWARDED TO: <br />HICKEY CONSTRUCTION <br />CO., INC., AS <br />STIPULATED <br />PEDESTRIAN MALL <br />CONTRACT NO. 2, R -66, <br />AWARDED TO: <br />EXTERIOR DESIGNING, <br />INC., AS STIPULATED <br />