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Aut <br />wit <br />do <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />d. Dun & Bradstreet Contractural Services: <br />iorization was requested to enter into a Contract <br />i Dun & Bradstreet for our annual renewal subscrip- <br />i agreement, in amount of $815.00. <br />DUN & BRADSTREET <br />CONTRACT APPROVED <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Rev. Williams <br />and unanimously carried, the President was authorized <br />to execute the Subscription Agreement with Dun & Brad- <br />street. <br />e. Change Order No. 3 to Demolition Contract CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 <br />No. 27 -B: Approval was requested for t is C ange TO DEMOLITION CONTRACT <br />Ord r, with Midwest Demolition Corporation, in amount NO. 27 -B APPROVED, <br />of 780.00, for sand backfill in area of Service Drive R -66 <br />No. 2, in conjunction with demolition in the J.M.S. <br />Annex Area, R -66. <br />Mr. Slabaugh advised 550 cubic yards of sand were put <br />in there. It was not completely filled, as we were <br />waiting for J.M.S. to put a wall in, which is now com- <br />pleted. We are responsible for the additional fill. <br />The basement was all dug out and left empty to get the <br />gas line in. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wade and <br />unanimously carried, Change Order No. 3 to Demolition <br />Contract No. 27 -B was approved, for an increase in <br />contract price of $780.00, <br />f. Change Order No. 1 to Demolition an&Site <br />Improvement Contract No. 28: Approva was requested <br />for this Change Order, with Julius O'Neal Trucking <br />Company, for time extension to July 1, 1973, to re- <br />solva with the owners and for more favorable weather <br />to p ace caulking along the building front and for <br />weat erproofing repairs to the South wall of Newman's <br />Appa el Shop, with no change in contract price, R -66. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins <br />and unanimously carried, Change Order No. 1 to Demoli- <br />tion and Site Improvement Contract No. 28 was approved <br />for time extension to July 1, 1973, with no change in <br />contract price. <br />and I <br />with <br />cons, <br />g. Change Order No. 5 to Contracts A, B, C <br />Approval was requested for this Change Order, <br />Rieth -Riley Construction Company, Inc., to re- <br />ruct St. Peter Street from St. 100 = 36 to Sta. <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 <br />TO DEMOLITION CONTRACT <br />NO. 28 APPROVED, R -66 <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 <br />TO CONTRACTS A, B, C <br />& D APPROVED, E -3 <br />