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4. RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS (Cont'd <br />Over the years Associates as a corporation and its <br />founding family have been the most generous of com- <br />munity citizens. This kind of corporate and indi- <br />vidual citizen makes South Bend a living city - -a <br />city which can nourish the best of the human spirit <br />because it is rooted in community confidence and <br />driven by realistic expectations of what a good <br />city must possess." <br />Dr. Kromkowski said we are also particularly happy to see <br />Associates moving towards building a very beautiful build- <br />ing ind being a part of inner - activity and economic develop- <br />ment. Beautiful buildings certainly make it everything it <br />can be. <br />Next the Chair gave the floor to Mr. William Rasmussen, <br />Rasm ssen's Clothing Store: <br />e are stating claims to a lot of years and effort <br />n the work of the community and its Commission of <br />uch a delightful announcement today. <br />"Since a few years ago, quite a few downtown, South <br />Bend Council, City of South Bend, and the Federal <br />Government, came up with enough money, plans and <br />ideas of what to do with our area. It seems like <br />quite a while ago. Mr. Ed Glaser, Mr. Herman Glaser <br />and Mr. Schrager, and it is nice to know some of our <br />people, have been interested in some of the progress <br />oing on. The hardships, brick walls we run into, <br />and the work such as you people, and occasionally <br />in groups here who command such large salaries - -less <br />than a dollar a year - -all of these things have been <br />ccomplished and today -- having such a fitting climax <br />as today - -is a wonderful day. Something to be proud <br />f today and all the time, and look back to the beauti- <br />ful buildings: St. Joseph Bank building, American Bank <br />uilding, County -City building, the parking ramps lit <br />at night - -all these things now are more important than <br />ver. Now we have our making of downtown. <br />"I am proud to be affiliated with our store and the <br />rogress of more, and our store of moving into - -and <br />�ssist Mr. Helmen here - -new development across the <br />treet from Washington. <br />hank you." <br />Presi ent Helmen, in referring to Mr. Karl King, said here is <br />a man who really has worked on this thing for years and de- <br />serve a lot of credit for downtown: Mr. King -- <br />gratulations, and it is really wonderful. Sorry...I <br />chilled up a bit! It really is an exciting thing." <br />- 8 - <br />