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4. RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS (Cont'd) <br />'ndeed a very exciting thing. This was a very ex- <br />iting proposal! I think it is the most exciting <br />thing downtown since I have lived here - -and that is <br />11 my life. I cannot recall anything happening <br />hat has been more exciting. <br />t is very gratifying to have the privilege of sitting <br />n this announcement to develop and what has been de- <br />eloped. Going back to the time when we were really <br />n the hot seat. Many people were wondering why we <br />ere tearing down so many buildings and the future of <br />he land with no prospects. There was so much criti- <br />ism that I wondered if we were wrong. As evidence <br />y what has come on here downtown: First the Post <br />iffice, the Royal Inns, and the new highway system- - <br />oulevard system - -now this one, along with prospects <br />hat the A.G.A. Realty has developed, namely Mr. Allen <br />;chrager, Mr. Edward Glaser and Mr. Herman Glaser. So <br />am excited and happy by the confidence provided in <br />That urban renewal did do and is doing, and will do. <br />'hese critics of year or two years ago, I believe they <br />gave changed their minds at this time. I am satisfied <br />:hey have. I know some of the people persisted urban <br />-enewal would not get off the ground. <br />ion has been made, seconded and approved unanimously. <br />"Thank you, Dick." <br />Mr. Peter J. Nemeth, President of South Bend Common Council, <br />on behalf of the South Bend Common Council: <br />The Common Council of the City of South Bend extends <br />its congratulations and appreciation to the Associates <br />Corporation of North America on the occasion of its <br />announcement of plans for investment and construction <br />in downtown South Bend. <br />This project will contribute greatly to the renewal of <br />the downtown area and represents a vote of confidence <br />by Associates in the City of South Bend. <br />The members of the Common Council look forward to a <br />continuing relationship of cooperation and good will <br />with the Associates Corporation of North America and <br />will continue to strive for a better community in _.all <br />respects so as to justify the confidence of the busi- <br />ness community in our City.` <br />We also would like to express our appreciation to the <br />Board of Redevelopment in your work - -in carrying your <br />work to the successful stage it is at now. Thank you <br />for your good work." <br />