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4. RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS (Cont'd) <br />President Helmen identified the parcels by what was situated, <br />on atid before it was ever demolished: The first parcel men- <br />tioned here is the parcel, triangular section formerly occu- <br />pied by the Granada Theatre, which used to be Goldblatt's <br />three-cornered section. The next parcel has to do with the <br />entire east side of Michigan Street from Colfax to Washing- <br />ton Street, and to the Poledor Building, Rodin's, LaCharme <br />Beauty Salon and Tompsett Studio. New York Fur, Philadel- <br />phia, Sally Swiss, the Beauty College above, and the Beauty <br />Supp y, and south across the street which used to be Max <br />Adle 's; to the west (what we know As the Block's Jewelry <br />Store) moving west to the alley what used to be the Shoe Re- <br />pair Shop. <br />Mr. Lennon reviewed the bid document and turned the docu- <br />ment over to Legal Counsel, Mr. Kevin J. Butler, to review. <br />Mr. Eutler, in reviewing the bid document, said the bid <br />proposal has been duly executed, Redevelopment Affidavit of <br />Non- ollusion has been duly executed and in proper order, <br />the edeveloper's Statement for Public Disclosure is en- <br />clos d and duly executed, and the security in the amount <br />of 10% of the total bid is enclosed in sum of $161,498.10, <br />and the total bid being: $1,614,981.00. A letter of credit, <br />in the amount of 10% of the total bid, is enclosed. All of <br />the necessary documents forming the bid proposal have been <br />enclosed and inserted within the bid. The motion, Mr. Presi- <br />dent should be to receive the bid proposal and to submit to <br />the proper people - -to Legal Counsel and staff to report back <br />to the Commission. There is a narrative description, Exhibit <br />2, Statement of conditions applicable to and constituting <br />part of proposal. <br />Mr, iggins, as point of order, asked if there are any other <br />bids received for this property. Mr. Lennon said "No ", and <br />they were no further bids from the audience. <br />TherE being no further bids, Mr. Wiggins made the motion <br />the tid from Associates Bancorp., Inc. be received and for- <br />ward Ed to Legal Counsel and staff for review and recommenda- <br />tion Said motion was seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mous .v carried. <br />President Helmen said: <br />Mr. Dick Van Mele, standing right here to my left, is <br />the man who put this together. He is with Associates <br />Corporation of North America and has been working closely <br />with Mr. Taylor and Mr. Lennon, and a lot of the credit <br />of what has happened here goes to Dick. He has worked <br />very diligently on this. I am not speaking for the Com- <br />mission--I am speaking as a Commissioner- -not as Presi- <br />dent. This morning's Press Conference at Associates was <br />- 5 - <br />