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8. DROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />New onstruction announcements by investor groups were <br />made at year's end involving-multi -story office, banking <br />and retail outlets, that will vastly alter.the. skyline <br />of the business district. <br />Deve oper interest by private investors showed much <br />strength for continuing the momentum gained last year <br />and to fulfill the long range plans set forth by urban <br />renewal program started in 1967. <br />Merry Avenue Project: <br />ition Status: The current status of acquisition <br />rce s 1-1 through 1 -42, was prepared by Mrs. <br />rtrude Barth, Real Estate Specialist. 27 parcels <br />ve been purchased; negotiations complete. <br />wo parcels (1 -7 and 1 -11): Options have been signed, <br />s well as all claim forms - -for Commission approval <br />-2 -73. <br />Pine parcels are in condemnation. <br />Four remaining parcels are in various stages with most <br />delays resulting from necessity for securing signatures <br />from out -of -town owners; release of final closing checks <br />or parcel 1 -18 pending receipt of default filing on <br />land contract, etc. It appears now that we shall be <br />able to purchase these without condemnation proceedings. <br />Progress Report: This report is from Mr. Larry Wartha on <br />the complete project, with no changes from the previous <br />port. <br />e. Rehabilitation Report, Site Offices: Mr. William <br />C. E1 ison submitted a written report for the site office <br />opera ions: <br />Eight initial inspection, two re- inspections, 30 follow- <br />up inspections, six final inspections, three grants approved, <br />two loans submitted, and 34 progress inspections. <br />Mrs. <br />a Jan <br />at th <br />probl <br />on ea <br />home <br />inspe <br />Mrs. I <br />a wri- <br />i n Edi <br />Servi <br />argaret Rush, Neighborhood Coordinatory, submitted <br />ary written report. Meeting held with PAC Committee <br />LaSalle Center, January 16, to try and resolve housing <br />ms. The inspectors are to do a follow -up inspection <br />h and every home in the area. Flyers were sent to <br />wners notifying them of the inspections. Four initial <br />tion and 24 follow -up inspections have been completed. <br />enelda Robinson, Neighborhood Coordinator, submitted <br />ten report for Homemakers. They are setting up classes <br />cation, Nutrition, Health and Craft for the Homemakers <br />e to begin as soon as remodeling is finished. The <br />- 15 - <br />MERRY AVENUE PROJECT <br />REHABILITATION REPORTS, <br />R -57, E -3 & E -5 <br />OFFICES <br />