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Name of contractor <br />Amount of Bid <br />Ed Sieben & Sons $61,750.00 <br />Howell C ntrstuction Co. 33,753.00 <br />Ritschard Bros. 36,771.00 <br />Julius 0 Neal Trucking Co. 37,157.92 <br />Bierlien Building & Movers 69,000.00 <br />On motiom by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Rev. Williams, Demolition <br />Contract No. 26 was awarded to Howell Construction Co., Inc., <br />the low bidder, bid amount being $33,753.00, subject to HUD con- <br />currence and Legal Counsel approval. Motion unanimously carried. <br />e. Reso ution No. 397:, This resolution authorizes acceptance RESOLUTION NO. 397 <br />of bids or land and authorizing the execution of development ADOPTED, IND. R -57 <br />agreement(s) for disposition of land and execution of Warranty <br />Deed(s) for the transfer of title thereto in connection with land <br />to be disposed of in the LaSalle Park Project IND R -57. <br />This resolution calls for the disposition of Parcel No. 22 -41, <br />LaSalle ark Project Ind. R 757, for the sum of $402.00, to Orntrue <br />S. Hesib n, his offer being not less than the offering prices of <br />the Commission for uses in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan. <br />Mr. Chenney moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by <br />Rev. Wit iams and unanimously carried. <br />f. Reso ution No. 398: Resolution authorizing the department of RESOLUTION NO. 398 <br />Redevelo ment to acquire by condemnation Parcel 5 -11, IND R -57, ADOPTED, IND.R -57 <br />LaSalle lark Project. The concurred in price if $640.00, the owner: <br />Mr. Will am Nixon. Mr. Taylor explained that this was a standard con - <br />demnatio request, the lot being 106' x 240'. Mr. Helmen asked <br />whether he people adjacent to the lot wish to purchase it and Mr. <br />Parrish ndicated they. -do. Rev Williams moved for the adoption of <br />the resolution; seconded by Mr. Chenney and carried unanimously. <br />g. REDEVELOPMENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FOR EQUAL EMPLOYMENT: ADOPTION OF DEPT. <br />Mr. Taylor explained that our purpose here is to put the policy OF REDEVELOPMENT <br />of hirin into perspective and to disseminate information to the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION <br />various igencies regarding equal employment. He also pointed out PLAN <br />that our Affirmative Action Plan is to be implemented by our E.E.O. <br />Officer, Frank Alford. Mr. Chenney moved for adoption of this plan <br />seconded by Rev. Williams and motion carried unanimously. <br />h. Certificate of Com letion for Conveyance of Parcel 5 -6 IND PERMISSION GRANTED <br />Project -57, to G`.C.A., Inc.: On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded FOR SIGNATURE. <br />by Rev. 4illiams, request for signature of certificate of com CERTIF. OF COMPLETION' <br />pletion for conveyance was granted. Motion carried unanimously. TO G.C.A. <br />-5- <br />