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6. <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />o. Fluorescent Lights requested by Street Academy <br />FLUORESCENT LIGHTS <br />Pr <br />ram: Mr. Roosevelt Thomas, introduced himself as <br />AUTHORIZED FOR <br />MT-rector <br />of Street Academy Program, jointly funded and. <br />SCHOOL USE <br />sponsored <br />by the National Urban League and the Urban <br />Coalition <br />of St. Joseph County through grants. They are <br />wo <br />king in conjunction with the Public School System. The <br />bu <br />lding they are using is on South Main Street, the Hibbard <br />Bu <br />lding. They are cooperating their efforts with drop - <br />ou <br />s in the area. They are requesting fluorescent lighting <br />fi <br />tures for the school, as they do not'have adequate light- <br />in <br />j, and wondered if the Commission would give them any of <br />th <br />fluorescent lights in any of the houses or buildings <br />that <br />are being scheduled to be torn down. <br />Mr <br />Chenney said they would have to deal with the demoli- <br />tion <br />contractors and make a deal with them. Mr. Taylor <br />said <br />if the contract has been let; if not, then the exist- <br />inj <br />fixtures would be available. Mr. Thomas' request is <br />fo <br />approximately 16 or 20. <br />Pr <br />sident Helmen requested Mr. Bill Slabaugh to work this <br />ou <br />with these people. There is no fee involved. This <br />motion <br />was unanimously carried by all Commissioners. <br />y <br />p. Simba Rock Band: This band was represented by <br />RENTAL REQUEST <br />Messrs. <br />Jim Schroup and Mike Rhine. They need a place <br />to <br />practice. They requested the use of the Thompson <br />Studio <br />for approximately a month and would pay for the <br />el <br />ectri city. <br />A <br />discussion followed on the hours the building would be <br />ut <br />lized, etc., and President Helmen's recommendation <br />wa <br />that Messrs. Miller and Slabaugh work something out -- <br />th <br />rent to be a very modest rate, with some type of <br />li <br />bility coverage-- insurance,'heat and all utilities at <br />th <br />it expense. Permission to rent granted if they meet <br />6 <br />th <br />se conditions. <br />q. Code Administration and Involvement and Techni- CODE ADMINISTRATION <br />cal Cirricu um: Mr. Taylor requested authority to send & TECHNICAL CURR.I- <br />one of our staff to the University of Illinois for a Code CULUM <br />Administration Program and two staff members to the Techni- <br />cal Curriculum at the same school. The Technical Curriculum <br />wi l be paid for by Public Service Careers. We will pay for <br />th Code Administration. <br />Mr. Wade moved we follow the Executive Director's recommenda- <br />ti n, seconded by Rev. Williams, and unanimously carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. Property Management: Rev. Kirk gave a report on PROPERTY MANAGEMENT <br />Pr perty Management. The total receipts from Property REPORT <br />- 13 - <br />