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PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />c. Indianapolis Association of Housing Redevelop - <br />meit Officials Meeting.: Mr. Barbe.gave a report of this <br />me ting he September 14 and 15, 1971, in which the <br />Ex cutive Committee and Legislative Committee met in <br />Jo nt session and it was decided to attempt to get a <br />bill before the 1972.General Assembly to correct and /or . <br />cl rify several points in the present Cities and Towns <br />Re evelopment Act and the new State Relocation Act, in- <br />cl ding the printer's error in the Relocation Act which <br />co ld render it null and void. <br />The primary discussion of the Executive Committee centered <br />on the Indianapolis school segregation suit i:n U.S. Dis- <br />trict Court of Judge Dillon. The suit originated from <br />fie parents suing the District. Judge Dillon has expanded <br />the suit to include Public Housing Authority, the Plan <br />Commission and Redevelopment Commission. It is believed <br />this court case will become a national landmark case and <br />wi 1 have definite effects on planning, public housing <br />an(.[ redevelopment throughout the nation. <br />1) <br />2) <br />3) <br />4) <br />Re% <br />he <br />d. Relocation Report: <br />Central Downtown, R -66: <br />Majority of families remaining in the area are <br />large and have low incomes; consequently, adequate <br />housing is difficult. to find. Only source of <br />housing for these hard core families is the Housing <br />Authority, andat present there are no available <br />units. <br />IAHRO MEETING REPO( <br />SEPT. 14 & 15, 1971 <br />RELOCATION PROGRESS <br />REPORT: <br />1) R -66 <br />LaSalle Park, Ind.�R -57: <br />Currently working with two families, who are in 2) R -57 <br />process of purchasing homes. <br />Kennedy School Area: <br />Two families in this area, have closing this month <br />and will move in October; one family will close in <br />October and move in November; three families waiting <br />for loan�approval;'one -family has closed and waiting <br />for home to become vacant; and one family has moved <br />to Florida. <br />Open Space Program: <br />Four families from area have been relocated; one <br />family waiting for loan approval; and one individual <br />waiting for Public Housing unit. <br />Billy W. Kirk gave the above report. He also advised <br />attended a meeting Tuesday evening at Stephan Center to <br />-12- <br />3) Kennedy School Area <br />4) Open Space Program <br />