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FM <br />$11 <br />Pay <br />Cur <br />but <br />app <br />for <br />At <br />in <br />is <br />the <br />cla <br />mor <br />cla <br />the <br />Ind <br />Mr. <br />of <br />fee <br />in <br />doH <br />tha <br />bei <br />PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />,569.95, and two are for Small Business Displacement <br />cents totalling $5,000.00.: Grant total is $16,569.95. <br />gently there are thirteen businesses which.have moved <br />have not yet filed a relocation claim. He estimated.- <br />,oximately 20 additional businesses will relocate be <br />November lst. <br />:he present time there is one claim over $10,000 <br />;he Chicago Regional Office for concurrence. This: <br />-.he South Bend Supply Company claim and the last one <br />Chicago office will handle. Three over.$10,000 <br />ims are now being processed in this office, with four <br />: being initi.ated before October 1. One additional <br />im for $10,000 will be made before November 1, and <br />;e will be sent to the new Area Office.of HUD in <br />ianapolis. <br />Wiggins asked what seems to be the general feeling <br />Firms as to remaining in the.Mall area? Mr.. Becher's <br />lings were that they expressed interest and everyone <br />the downtown area quite naturally wants to- remain <br />itown. They do realize problems are involved and <br />t construction and rental rates will be higher than <br />ire and that the business volume must be larger to <br />Densate for the extra costs. <br />b. Downtown Rehabilitation Report, R -66: Mr. <br />Ed in Bauer, Downtown Rehabilitation Supervisor, advised <br />as of this date, ten buildings have been inspected and <br />si buildings surveyed that are tentatively to be demol- <br />is ed. Four of the latter buildings are presently occu- <br />pied by two tenants. All of the sixteen buildings <br />arE directly located on the proposed downtown mall. There <br />is a capacity for 23 tenant spaces, of which five 'spaces . <br />arE presently without tenants. Photographs have been taken <br />to document the existing conditions. <br />Initial contact with owners will begin next week for pre- <br />sentation of survey findings and to arrange for on -site: <br />appointments to review rehabilitation standards. Environ- <br />mental requirements will be stressed that best represents <br />th broad public interest, along with code enforcements. <br />Th projects are proceeding as scheduled on three.down- <br />to n renewal locations. <br />Pr sident Helmen inquired what type of reception Mr.. <br />Ba er gets? Mr. Bauer advised that everyone shows <br />in erect, is concerned, and wants to know what is <br />go ng on. He said he will start meeting.with the <br />pe ple on:an individual basis and will get a definite <br />re ction on how far they can go and how they will <br />pa ticipate. <br />-11- <br />DOWNTOWN REHABILITATION <br />REPORT, R -66 <br />