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4. COMMUNICATIONS (Cont' <br />Mr. Barbe advised the 1970 Bill made the relocation <br />payment 1/3 -2/3 sharing between Local and Federal' <br />agencies--prior was 100% Federal. Bill No. S. 1819 <br />would change it back to 100% Federal. <br />5. OLD BOSINESS <br />None. <br />6. NEW BOSINESS <br />a. Documents and Deeds: Authorization was re- DOCUMENTS AND DEEDS <br />quested to prepare documents and deeds to the County AUTHORIZED TO COUNTY, <br />for the fol owing parcels, R -66 Project, to be added PARCEL NOS. 10 -3, 10 -4 <br />to the Coun y -City Complex: _ & 10 -5, R -66 <br />Parcel No. I Owner and Address <br />10 -3 Elmer J. Peak, 220 W. Washington St. <br />10 -4 Ralph A. & Nellie Grose, 226 -228 W. Wash- <br />ington St. <br />10 -5 Reliance Pharmacy, 230 W. Washington St. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Wade, the <br />above documents were authorized to be executed. Motion <br />unanimously carried. <br />b. Fire Contract with American District Tele ra h <br />Company, In This is for a sprinkler supervisory and <br />waterflow alarm service for a building we acquired at <br />406 South C )lumbia Street, R -66 Project. This fire <br />protection is a requirement under our Project Manage- <br />ment, and i an electronic monitoring system and not an <br />insurance p licy. The cost is $2,313.00 per annum, to <br />be billed tthly in advance. This contract will be until <br />November 1971, or some later date. <br />FIRE-CONTRACT AUTHORIZED <br />FOR 406 S. COLUMBIA ST., <br />R -66 <br />Mr. Harrisoi Miller reported the former management carried <br />no burglar insurance, per Mr. Schrager, their attorney. <br />It was completely the responsibility of the tenants. <br />On motion by Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, the above <br />contract with American District Telegraph Company, Inc. <br />was approved and the President authorized to sign. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />c. Can e Order No. 1 to Contract No. 9: Authori - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1' <br />zation was-requested for Change Order No. l to demolish TO CONTRACT NO. 9 <br />brick alley surface running East and West between Parcel AUTHORIZED, R -66 <br />Nos. 22 -9 aid 22 -10 from the West property -line of Mishi- <br />gan Street to the East line of the North -South alley, <br />with no change in time and /or cost. <br />-5 -. <br />