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3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont'd <br />P. E. A. COPE ENFORCEMENT E -3 <br />Office Engilleers, Inc. <br />Mr. Anthony P. Sergio <br />Northeast N ighborhood Center <br />REIMBURSEME T TO REVOLVING FUND <br />GRAND TOTAL <br />Project Expenditures Account, Ind. R -56 <br />Project Expenditures Account, Ind. R -57 <br />Project Expenditures Account, Ind. R -66 <br />Project Expenditures Account, Code Enforcement E -3 <br />Total <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. South Bend Public Library letter dated July 7, <br />1971: Mr. Roger B. Francis, Director, reported the <br />Library Board met July 6th and state they are not pre- <br />pared to make a further proposal at this time. Con - <br />struction..o a new branch library to serve the north <br />portion of the Library suburban service area has priority <br />over construction of an addition to the main downtown <br />library. They are in no position to comply with the <br />timetable for acquisition and full utilization of the <br />site specif ed in our letter of March 15th to Mr. Ivan - <br />kovig, othe than the intermediate alternate use proposed <br />in their le ter of May 19th. The Board will keep the <br />matter unde active consideration. <br />President H lmen said he has been advised that HUD does <br />not require the buyer, in situations of this kind, to <br />make a commitment as to when they will build. He re- <br />quested Mr. Ashenfelter get in touch with HUD and check <br />out whether the two -year requirement is necessary; and, <br />if not, req est a letter from HUD to that effect. <br />b. S nator Birch Bah letter dated July 7 and <br />Senator Vane Hartke letter dated Jul 8: These <br />letters are in answer to our Redevelopment Commission <br />letters of une 16th for support of Bill No. S. 1819, <br />to amend th Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real <br />Property Ac uisition Policies Act of 1970 to provide <br />for minimum Federal payments after July 1, 1972 for <br />relocation assistance made under federally assisted <br />programs. <br />Senator Bay advised this Bill is pending before the <br />Government perations Subcommittee on Intergovern- <br />mental Rela ions with no action scheduled to date. <br />-4- <br />$. 819.65 <br />175.00 <br />24.00 <br />1,018.65 <br />$ 285,938.46 <br />642.29 <br />8,565.78 <br />13,223.22 <br />593.62 <br />$ 23,024.91 <br />SOUTH BEND PUBLIC <br />LIBRARY," PARCEL NO. <br />8 -17, R -66 <br />BILL NO. S. 1819 <br />