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COMIIUN I <br />i <br />d. Mr. Joseph L.eMath6Ws,-letter dated Ap.ri1 29, -,RESIGNATION SUBMITTED, <br />1971: Mr. 'Mathews tendered his resignation from th'e MR. JOSEPH L. MATHEWS, <br />Urban Design Review Committee due to a conflict ofd URBAN DESIGN REVIEW <br />interest. Mr. Mathews is a member.'of an architectural COMMITTEE, R -66 <br />firm working as a joint 'Venture to design the Downtown. - <br />Pedestrian Mall. <br />On moti n by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Helmen, Mr. <br />Mathews' resignation was accepted and unanimously <br />carried <br />e. IMr. Dean J. Wilhelm letter Mrs. <br />Josephioe'Curtis, Secretary of South Bend Redevelop- <br />ment Tr steel: The Chair requested this letter be <br />read by Mr. Ashenfelter, Executive Director. <br />The letter from Mr. Dean J. Wilhelm, dated May 5, 1971, <br />stated hat: "After considerabl -e reflecting <br />on the nearly nine years I have contributed to the <br />South Bend Department of Redevelopment, I find that the <br />increaSE in the workload has created more demands than <br />I care to continue to meet." <br />The let er stated he was tendering his resignation from <br />the Com fission as of June 1, 1971. <br />Mr. Wilhelm began his association with the Redevelop- <br />ment Commission in 1962 as a trustee. In the,Regular <br />Annual Meeting of the South Bend Redevelopment Trustees <br />of 2, 1968, Mr. Wilhelm accepted the appoint - <br />ment as Commissioner and resigned as Trustee. He was <br />nominat d President in the Annual Organization Meeting <br />of_Janu ry.2, 1970, and re- nominated as President in <br />the Ann al Organization Meeting of January 4, 1971. <br />5. OLD IBUSINESS <br />RESIGNATION TENDERED <br />BY COMMISSION PRESIDENT, <br />MR, .DEAN J. WILHELM, AS <br />.OF JUNE: 1, 1971 <br />a. Critical Path Administrative Control Contract: CRTTICAL PATH ADMINISTRA- <br />In the Minutes of April 16, 1971, the Commission had TIVE.CONTROL CONTRACT, <br />authorized a contract to be drawn up with. Community R -66 <br />Development Associates, Inc., which will be for a <br />period cf 4 -1/2 years, at a cost of $22,400. <br />Commission Legal Counsel, Mr..Bruce C. Hammerschmidt, <br />has the contract which is now ready for execution, and .. <br />requested approval for the President and 'Secretary to <br />sign this Contract. Said motion was made by Mr. Chenney, <br />seconded by Mr. Helmen, and unanimously carried. <br />-5- <br />