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4. COMMP ICA_TIONS <br />a Dept. of Public Welfare letter dated Ma 6, <br />1971: Mr. Wilmer H. Tolle, Director, is requesting <br />permission to use an available parking area -- Block 13, <br />Parcel - -which is within a couple of blocks from their <br />building at 228 South St. Joseph Street. The lot the <br />Department of Public Welfare had for parking has been <br />acquired by our Commission. Parking facilities are <br />requested without remuneration, as they have no ap- <br />propriation of funds. <br />The Chair said the Commission is not wanting to compete <br />with tho City Parking structures, nor providing free <br />parking Ot the expense of the City. <br />On motion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Chenney, Mr. <br />Ashenfel er was directed to work out an agreement with <br />the Department of Public Welfare as to the number of <br />cars anticipated for parking, time element, etc., for <br />further Commission action. Motion was unanimously <br />carried. <br />PARKING. REQUEST., <br />BLOCK 13, PARCEL 8, <br />R -66 <br />b. <br />Dr. Sam Katz letter dated May <br />3, 1971: Dr. Sam <br />EXTENSION OF OCCUPAN(Y <br />Katz, located <br />at 206 North Michigan <br />Street, is requesting <br />APPROVED, DR. SAM KATZ, <br />an extension <br />of occupancy until the <br />28th or 31st of May, <br />R -66 <br />as the work will not be completed on time at the new <br />quartersl located at 302 North Michigan Street. <br />As the contract letting for demolition is not affected <br />by this request, the extension of time was granted and <br />the motion made by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, <br />and unanimously carried. <br />c. Al Smith's Record Bar, Inc. letter dated May 1, <br />1971: This firm is requesting authorization to rent <br />the sto eroom located at 111 S. Michigan Street, Parcel <br />No. 9-32, formerly occupied by Engel Jewelers, as tempo - <br />rary quarters for their firm, at the present rental of <br />$325.00 per month, payable to the Redevelopment Commission. <br />They are presently located at 128 W. Washington Avenue, <br />Parcel o. 9 -10. <br />Mr. Miller, Assistant Director, advised if approved by <br />the Comrrission, we will permit them to occupy the new <br />premises until January 1, 1972. 1% rental of the purchase <br />price would be $565.00; however, the third floor would <br />not be used. Per regulations, a displacee for temporary <br />relocation is not to be charged in excess of their previous <br />location rental. <br />On motion by Mr. Helmen, seconded by Rev. Williams, author- <br />ization was granted for the temporary move to 111 S. Michi- <br />gan S tr et,at a rental of $325.00 per month. Motion was <br />unanimously carried. <br />-4- <br />TEMPORARY RENTAL QUARTERS <br />AUTHORIZED, AL SMITH'S <br />RECORD. BAR, INC. P, -f6 <br />