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6. NEWS BUSINESS Cont' <br />M. Trainih 'Pro ram; in Denver; C616rado; <br />in regard to a letter_`Prom HUD to.Model :Cities.: This is <br />a three day traintng program sponsored by HUD, on- Redevelop- <br />ment anJ Community Development, which is a part of the Model <br />Cities 3rogram for technical assistance in relocation, and <br />scheduled for May 24 through 26, 1971. Authorization was <br />requested for two staff members to attend - -the `Commercial <br />Relocation Director and the Residential Relocation Director, <br />Mr. Pau E. Becher and Mrs. Dorothy.How ell, respectively. <br />On moti n by Mr. Wiggins,, seconded by Rev. Williams; the <br />two sta f members were authorized to attend the training <br />program <br />n. N.A.H.R.O. Conference: Mr. L. Glenn Barbe re- <br />quested authorization for staff members to attend this <br />confere ce-- selection at the discretion of the 'Executive <br />Director, as some items on the agenda would be of benefit., <br />Mr. Wig ins made the motion the Executive Director be <br />authori ed to select staff to attend this Conference. <br />Said mo ion was seconded by Rev. Williams, and unanimously <br />carried. <br />TRAINING T ROGRAM, <br />DENVER, COLORADO, <br />MAY 24 THRU 26, 1971 <br />N.A.H.R.O. CONFEREfJCE'�; <br />INDIANAPOLIS, IND. , ': t -- <br />JUNE 2 THRU 4, 1971 <br />d.ery <br />o. Moving of R -57 Site Office to Northeast.Nei hbor- RELOCATION OF R -57 <br />hood: We will be closing our R -57 Site Office and the OFFICE <br />staff will be given temporary quarters if we desire in the <br />A.C.T.I.O.N. Building, which is the old Fire Station build - <br />ing at Notre Dame and South Bend Avenue. <br />P. i and Disposition Agreement: Commission Legal <br />Counsel, Mr. Bruce C. Hammerschmidt, requested authori -. <br />zation f r President and Secretary to sign land disposi- <br />tion agr ement, for Parcel No. 12-5, located at 208 -_210 <br />South Mi higan Street. The owner has agreed to conform <br />to land Jisposition requirements, and will demolish the <br />building3 and redevelop in accordance with our urban re- <br />newal plan. <br />On motio by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Helmen, the <br />Presiden and Secretary were authorized to execute the <br />Disposit on Agreement for Parcel No. 12 -5. Said motion <br />was unan mously carried. <br />q. South Bend Community School Cor oration <br />Contract Commission Legal Counsel, Mr. Bruce C. Hammer <br />sc m1 t, requested authorization for the President and <br />Secretar to sign the contract with South Bend.Community <br />School Corporation for relocation benefits, services and <br />staff tine involvement, subject to Commission Legal Counsel <br />approval South Bend Community School Corporation will have <br />their at orney meet with Mr. Hammerschmfdt. The..contract <br />is not y t drawn up. <br />-12- <br />REDEVELOPMENT OF <br />PARCEL NO. 12 -5 <br />SOUTH BEND COMMUNITY <br />SCHOOL CORPORATION <br />CONTRACT <br />