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91 <br />BUSINESS (Cont`d <br />Mr. H lmen' moved to have a -staff member attend the N.A..H.R.O. " <br />Meeti g stated above. Moton'was seconded by.Mr. Wiggins, <br />and unanimously carried.',. <br />n. Investment Funds: Authorization was requested INVESTMENT FUNDS <br />to in est 900,000 in U S. Treasury Bills from Project AUTHORIZED <br />Expenditures Account R -66 through December, 1971. Also <br />authorization 'to invest $700,000 of the $1,000,000 maturing <br />April 22, 1971 through December, 1971. <br />Motior <br />was <br />made by Mr. Helmen, seconded by Mr. Wiggins,,for. <br />investment <br />of the above funds as requested. The motion was <br />unanimously <br />carried. <br />. Dis <br />osition Price: Motion was requested to <br />DISPOSITION PRICE <br />establish <br />the <br />disposition price of the.following. parcels: <br />ESTABLISHED, PARCEL <br />NOS. 9 -1, 9 -8 & 9 -9, <br />Parcel <br />No. <br />Disposition Price <br />R -66 <br />9 -1 <br />$ 4.75 per square foot <br />9 -8 <br />4.50 per square foot <br />9 -9 <br />4.50 per square foot. <br />Mr. Wiggins made the above motion, seconded by Mr. Chenney <br />and unanimously carried. <br />7. P.ROGRESS REPORTS <br />. Employment of Rehabilitation Architect, R -66 APPLICANTS FOR <br />and of an Inspector for Site Improvements, R -66: Mr. REHABILITATION <br />Ashen elter advised that we are currently advertising for ARCHITECT & <br />applicants for these positions. INSPECTOR FOR <br />SITE LMPROVEMENT, <br />. Hand -Out, .f Maa11n â–ºBrochures, R -66: Thpse,; R -66 <br />broch res have been well received and are being di`si;ri= <br />buted. BROCHURES, R -66 <br />c. Downtown Negotiations: Mr. Hubert M. Weaver, DOWNTOWN NEGOTIATIONS, <br />Downtown Negotiator, said that the total number of parcels R -66 <br />optio ed to date is 130, at a total purchase price of <br />$5,83 ,680.00. The total parcels on which title has been <br />taken is 110, at a cost of $4,883,785.00. The amount of <br />budge ed funds is $13,010,220.00, less the total purchase <br />price of optioned parcels of $5,833,680.00, leaving a <br />balan a of $7,176,540.00. <br />d. Business Relocation, R -66: Mr. Paul E. Becher, BUSINESS RELOCATION, <br />Comme ci"al Relocation Director, submitted a written report. R -66 <br />Approval was requested for one claim for moving expenses <br />in thE amount of $1,272.86. There is also one claim for the <br />Small Business Displacement Payment in the amount of $2,500.00. <br />AT present, there are eleven (11) claims pending. One more <br />relocation is expected in April, with approximately eight (8) <br />more in May. <br />-9- <br />