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4. <br />OMMUNICATIONS <br />. Letter dated'April 16, 1971 from Messrs. <br />RENTAL QUARTERS RE- <br />Jeffray <br />Urband and Neil'Salzmar: They are organizing <br />ent musical group for the purpose of touring the <br />QUESTED AT 119 -1/2 WVS' <br />WASHINGTON STREET, R Cb- <br />a stu <br />coun ty <br />beginning in June and are requesting'rental:_e. <br />space <br />at 119 -1/2 West Washington Street, for the <br />balan <br />e of the school term. Rehearsals will be after <br />the dinner <br />hour. <br />The C <br />mmission requested Mr. Miller explore the rent <br />along <br />Federal guidelines, and, if in agreement, they <br />unanimously <br />authorized the rental. The noise level <br />must <br />not interfere with the other tenants. <br />a <br />. Letter dated April 14,'1971 from the South <br />SOUTH BEND PUBLIC f <br />Bend <br />Public-Library: Mr. Roger B. Francis, Director, <br />that the Board of Trustees of the South Bend <br />LIBRARY, PARCEL NO. <br />8 -17, R -66 <br />reported <br />Commu <br />ity School Corporation, acting as the Library <br />Board <br />at a meeting of April 12, 1971, had directed <br />Chas. <br />W. Cole & Son, Inc. proceed with preparation'of <br />preliminary <br />development site plans and architectural <br />perspective <br />of a proposal for an addition to the pre- <br />sent <br />ibrary. These would be submitted to the Re- <br />development <br />Commission, in line with their desire 'to <br />purchase <br />Parcel No. 8 -17. The Library Board is under- <br />taking <br />to attempt to meet our timetable as set out in <br />our letter <br />of March 15th, although they are not able to <br />meet <br />the May 3rd deadline. Hopefully this may be ac- <br />compl <br />shed for the second board meeting on May 17th.. <br />. Letter dated April 13, 1971 from Mr. R. C. Van <br />NAME SUGGESTION, R -66 <br />Der G <br />acht: This individual suggested the name <br />for the mall or perhaps some new streets. <br />"Mercator" <br />Mercator, <br />in Latin and all its derivatives, relates to <br />merchants, <br />traders, market place, shipping or traffic. <br />All t <br />e terms that can be used to describe commerce. <br />The letter was duly noted and placed on file. <br />5. C.LD BUSINESS <br />. P.E.R.T. or Critical Path Administrative Control, <br />R-66:1 Five firms submitted proposals for the "P.E.R.T." <br />or Critical Path Administrative Control ", as follows: <br />1) ommunity Development Assoicates, Inca $ 22,400 <br />8 East Hollister Street ` <br />incinnati, Ohio 45219 <br />2) <br />1 <br />rton- Aschman Associates, Inc. 20,000 to <br />71 West Howard Street 30,000 <br />icago, Illinois 60626 <br />-4- <br />P.E.R.T. OR CRITICAL(". <br />PATH ADMINISTRATIVE�� <br />CONTROL CONTRACT' <br />AUTHORIZED =WITH COM- '-C,' <br />MUNITY DEVELOPMENT' <br />.ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />d J <br />