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3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont'd <br />J mes.R. Meehan & Associates <br />Pence Dickens & Heeter, Inc. <br />Royal Typewriter Co. <br />S eehan Service Center, Inc. <br />Singer General Tire, Inc. <br />B-11 E. Slabaugh <br />South Bend Drafting Supply, Inc <br />South Bend Parking, Inc <br />Tire Service Co., Inc. <br />H me -Tech Publications <br />I liana & Michigan Electric Co. <br />L. Glenn Barbe <br />URBANIREDEVELOPMENT FUND <br />I�diana & Michigan Electric Co. <br />J mes H. Neidigh & Associates <br />4. QMMUNICATIONS <br />$ 41.05 <br />.3.77. <br />42.00 <br />48.00 <br />23.69 <br />19.60 <br />109:18. <br />75.00 <br />7.50 <br />22.90 <br />10.66 <br />50.92 <br />Total 15,687.01 <br />$ 20.00 <br />2,100.00 <br />Total 25120.00 <br />GRAND TOTAL $.86,825.13 <br />a. Letter dated March 24, 1971 from The Housing THE HOUSING AUTHORITY <br />Authority of South Bend: Mr. Ashenfelter stated he and OF SOUTH BEND' <br />Mrs. Dorothy Howell have met with Mr. Jesse L. Dickinson, <br />Execu ive Director of The Housing Authority, relative <br />to ho sing 19 families in the R -66 area. <br />Mr. Dickinson assures us, in his letter of March 24th, <br />that The Housing Authority will give us the highest <br />possible degree of cooperation to the matter of relocat -. <br />ing our cases. <br />President Wilhelm asked'if we have 'any large families <br />which can be a problem. Mrs. Howell, Director of Relo- <br />cation, stated that this is 'a very definite problem. <br />President Wilhelm believed we are working in the right <br />direction. <br />b. Letter dated March 22, 1971 from the LaSalle LASALLE PARK DISTRICT <br />Park District Council: The Executive Board of the COUNCIL ACTION'TABLED <br />Council is requesting the donation of four lots, located <br />on South Dundee Street, Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7, to be set <br />aside for use as a multiple center for the people of <br />the La alle Park area. The present facilities are inade- <br />quate o serve a growing community. <br />They h ld their classes and meetings there, and want to ... <br />enlarg their facilites and are requesting these parcels, <br />as a c ntribution, toward the erection of a permanent <br />faci 1 i _v. <br />-3- <br />