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7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />There are currently two over $10,000 claims in Chicago for <br />concurrence, and there are approximately nine concerns <br />whose claims are in process at this time. Our staff anti- <br />cipates five to seven businesses will relocate in the <br />month cf April, and perhaps another six in May. <br />g. Rehabilitation Report -, R -57: Mr. Richard A. REHABILITATION, <br />Madiso , Re a ilitation Director, was unable to attend R -57 <br />the Commission meeting, but his written report covering <br />the period of March 19 through April 1, reads in essence <br />as follows: <br />The following parcels have had re- inspections: Nos. <br />9 -18, 1 -20, 21 -48, 22 -51 and 25 -5. Construction has <br />been started on one new home since the submission of <br />the last report - -the contractor being George Cimer- <br />mancic. There are 13 new homes in the planning stage. <br />The Mo el Cities trainees are progressing relatively <br />well ir classes. They have been present at five in- <br />specti ns conducted by our staff. They inspected the <br />site office under supervision and inspected a house <br />on Mea a Street completely on their own.. Two days <br />were s ent with the trainees in observing the construc- <br />tion o new homes in various stages of construction. <br />h. Handout or Mailing Brochures: The brochures <br />printed by the Golden Rule Press, Elkhart, are all <br />printed and an adequate supply will be delivered to <br />this office today. <br />President Wilhelm advised the staff inform Mr. John <br />Kagel the brochures are available and have his office <br />pick up a few hundred to pass out. These brochures <br />are set up as self - mailers, <br />i. all Change: Mr. Helmen expressed interest in <br />the sug ested budget change on the mall. The staff <br />will make duplicates and mail to the Commission. <br />Mr. L. 3lenn Barbe, Associate Director, advised the <br />interest return on investments of surplus project <br />funds was an item not included in the original budget. <br />In the remaining life of the project, an additional <br />$1,000, )00 can be earned by a close management of <br />surplus funds. <br />We are <br />and bou <br />$108,15 <br />Eliminating any distinction between interior <br />idary streets per new directives. This adds <br />3 to project improvements. <br />-10- <br />HANDOUT OR MAILING <br />BROCHURES, R -66 <br />PROPOSED BUDGET NO. 3, <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN PROJECT, <br />R -66 <br />