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7. IPROGRESS REPORTS "(Cont'd) <br />During the month of January, claims <br />totalling $10,104.35 were pat'd. In additi:on three <br />Direct Loss of Property claims, total1tng $5,355.25, <br />and che Small Business Displacement Payment ($2,500.00) <br />were paid. <br />c. LaSalle Park, R -57: Mr. Richard A. Madison, LASALLE PARK, R -57 <br />Reha ilitation Director, advised they are doing most <br />of t eir work in Model.Cities Th.e,LaSalle Park work <br />is b ing continued One initial inspection.was made,on <br />Parc 1 No. 29 -20, with the estimated cost to rehabili- <br />tate $3,910.00. There were three re- inspections on. <br />Parcel Nos. 26 -2, 21 -9 and 22 -48. Eight progress in- <br />spections were made on- Parcel Nos. 23 -11, 32 -11, 9 - -8, <br />20-2-, 21 -9, 26 -2, 19 -2 and 21 -6, showing the percentage <br />of completion estimated, Six. Model Cities inspections <br />were made. <br />A discussion followed on the nine -month training period <br />of the trainees. The agencies involved are the Public <br />Services Careers, Model Cities and Holy Cross College. <br />On the job training is being used, along with BOCA <br />pers nnel coming in from Chicago,for one week,;HUD for <br />two 0ays. <br />d. PAC Committee Meetin : Mr. Ashenfelter advised PAC COMMITTEE MEETING <br />a meeting is sche uled for.the Southeast - Neighborhood SCHEDULED.FEBRUARY <br />on February 17th, with HUD personnel here on the 11th. 17, 1971 <br />Mode Cities will have meetings on February 9 and 10 <br />on tie West and East side projects. Budgets will be <br />pres nted to the City-Council on March 8th. <br />8. NEXT MEETING <br />The next Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Com- NEXT MEETING, <br />mission will be at 10:30 A.M., Friday, February 19, 1971, FEBRUARY 19, 1971 <br />in tie Office of the Department of Redevelopment.. <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />On motion duly made and passed by Mr. "Helmen, "the_. ADJOURNMENT <br />Meeting adjourned at 11::55 A:.M. <br />r -. <br />B. AshenfelteN Executive Director <br />(SEAL) <br />-12- <br />Dean J. W e m, Pres dent <br />