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A <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />k. Two Automobiles: Mr. Richard Madison requested <br />one automobile be added to their fleet in LaSalle Park. <br />The automobile he is driving'requlres excessive repairs` <br />and n all likelihood should be traded in on a new one. <br />Tota cars for the department is nine: Two in County= <br />City office; three in R -66; and R -57. 'Twelve <br />trai ees'from Model Cities are in the R -57 office, who <br />are n school in mornings and in'R -57 in afternoons. <br />The request is to replace one car we have now, using as <br />a trade-in, and request approval for the purchase,of;a <br />new ar for R -57, at a cost of $2,023.93. <br />Mr. Ifelmen moved for the approval to purchase two new <br />automobiles with one trade -in and get all the money back <br />from using these cars that we'can. Said-motion was se- <br />cond d by Rev. Williams and unanimously carried. <br />PURCHASE OF TWO <br />AUTOMOBILES APPROVED, <br />WITH ONE TRADE -IN <br />1. Granada Theatre Property: Inquiry was made by GRANADA THEATRE <br />the South 'Bend Art Center for the use of the Granada PROPERTY, R -66 <br />Theatre lobby area for the purpose of staging a fund <br />raising dance for either April 24 or May 8. <br />Mr. Hammerschmidt advised our target date to get absolute <br />possession is by the end of April. Motion.was._made to <br />deny the request, as we will have no assurance 'we will <br />have possession of the property on those dates. Consent <br />was unanimous. <br />m. Parcel No. 32 -14, R -57: Authority was requested PARCEL NO. 32 -14 <br />to remove this parcel from condemnation, as the owner, LASALLE PARK URBAN <br />Mr. Weinstein, wishes to make a parking site for a Western RENEWAL PROJECT, R -57 <br />Aven e franchise operation. If not permitted to use the <br />lot, the owner would then go through ,condemnation. <br />Mr. Hammerschmidt requested we defer any, proceedings, <br />unti and unless the owner obtains a variance from the <br />present zoning. If a variance is.granted, then the <br />Commission can act on the owner's request. <br />By u animous consent <br />ferr d and Parcel No <br />cond mnation. <br />of the Commission, action was de -. <br />32 -14 will not be removed from <br />n. Sidewalk Snow Removal: The South Bend Municipal <br />Code (Section 35 -5 )covers. removal of snow and ice from <br />the idewalk in front of your premises to the full paved' <br />widt of the sidewalk within twenty -four hours after <br />snow has accumulated thereon. <br />The I <br />parc( <br />8,81: <br />11 he <br />epartment of Redevelopment at present owns 101, <br />is in the downtown area, of which 85 parcels-with <br />feet of sidewalk must be cleared, estimated at about <br />urs. Bid was received from Ardmore Building Company, <br />-10- <br />SIDEWALK SNOB[ REMOVAL <br />APPROVED ON REDEVELOP- <br />MENT PROPERTY, R -66 <br />