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3. 1 <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />The situation relative to Dr. Katz was discussed. It PARCEL NO. 1 -8, <br />see s he may remain in the building until the end'of IND. R -66 <br />April. He has been paying $325.00 per month rent to <br />Mr. Greenhut, including utilities The, latter may <br />cos $500.00 by themselves for which we are obligated, <br />the rent being paid to the owner. <br />afternoon. It is a little premature, but the wheels are <br />turning. He said this is th "e first encouraging sign he <br />has ad. <br />4. ADJOURNMENT - <br />ith, the conclusion of the business for which this ADJOURNMENT <br />meeting was-called, on motion duly made and passed by Mr. <br />:Helm n,, he me ting adjourned at 4:50 P.M. <br />rec or -6- can . Why redden <br />(S E L) <br />b. Handout or Mailing Brochures: The following <br />ACTION DEFERRED <br />quotations <br />have been received: <br />ON HANDOUT OR <br />MAILING BROCHURES <br />1) Mrs. Pat Webster <br />740 Portage Avenue <br />South Bend, Ind. 5,000 $1,500.00 <br />2) Mr. Paul A. Fergus Co. <br />112 West Bartless St. <br />South Bend, Ind. 5,000 $1,247.00 <br />10,000 1,530.00 <br />3) Jones & Taylor,-Inc.' <br />4th Floor, Nat'l Bank Bldg. <br />South Bend, Ind. 5,000 $5,405.00 <br />10,000 7,660.00 <br />- <br />* *4) Golden Rule Press <br />Elkhart, Ind. 5,000 $ 833.40 <br />10,000 1,145.96 <br />* *The <br />size would be 17 x 22, two- color dark green and <br />orange <br />(four tone), using our model photograph on front, <br />reproduction <br />of mall, with--the.-center fold of pictures of <br />current <br />buildings being demolished, parking garages, as <br />well <br />as showing a large map.'andimarket,values. We should <br />sell <br />the Mall and sell the,whole,idea.tesi,des showing what <br />area <br />is available. - <br />Mr. <br />Helmen suggested that some of the plans submitted <br />have <br />been too elaborate and should be limited to just <br />essentials. <br />The <br />request was made to write the copy and present it to <br />the <br />Commission for suggestions and final approval. <br />c. Mall Makeup and /or Costs: President Wilhelm <br />MALL MAKEUP AND /OR <br />advi <br />ed there was a meeting on`the Cultural Center this <br />COSTS <br />afternoon. It is a little premature, but the wheels are <br />turning. He said this is th "e first encouraging sign he <br />has ad. <br />4. ADJOURNMENT - <br />ith, the conclusion of the business for which this ADJOURNMENT <br />meeting was-called, on motion duly made and passed by Mr. <br />:Helm n,, he me ting adjourned at 4:50 P.M. <br />rec or -6- can . Why redden <br />(S E L) <br />