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3. <br />pr <br />re <br />the <br />pai <br />pe <br />cli <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Fessional architectural services when the owner <br />jests it. Mr. Wiggins advised in LaSalle Park <br />services were on a'consulting basis only, and <br />i on a per -hour basis. Mr. Matthews said some <br />)le will consider this favortism, not letting the <br />!nt have the right to select their architect, as <br />°e'are many different types of architects.. <br />Mr. Hammerschmidt said if an owner would do the <br />interior now and commit himself for the exterior <br />and not do it, the Commission's only remedy would <br />be to acquire the property, refinish and sell it. <br />We, however, must have a good reason for condemning <br />it. Mr. Mathews advised the building codes will take <br />care of the facades. Mr. Hammerschmidt advised we <br />must work with the Building Commissioner through a' <br />building permit to exercise our jurisdiction <br />A discussion followed. on making up a list of archi- <br />tects from which the owners could select. It was <br />stated many architects would not want to do this <br />type of work, but may wish to have their name on <br />the list. <br />Mr. Mathews advised they have to work with the South <br />BenJ BOCA Code and the Indiana State Legislation <br />usi g the more stringent rule. This is basic over <br />the whole county. <br />Mr. Hammerschmidt suggested that the Commission has <br />ample power under the Indiana Law to go ahead and use <br />the Urban Renewal Standards, and it be a matter of <br />pro edure that the.staff be instructed to contact the <br />own rs as soon as possible with a procedural package-- <br />coda of operations- -get together a.;package of regula <br />d o s, rules, etc. The owner should furnish definite <br />pla s and specifications so the architects and engineers <br />will know exactly what will happen to the building. <br />Thef should have working drawings, and should also sub- <br />mit a financial plan, what their financing is, what is <br />ava table to do the work and time of accomplishment. <br />When this is submitted to'-the staff, it should immedi <br />ate y be referred to Review Committee and they then have, <br />som thing definite to analyze and can approve or refuse. <br />If ejected, in writing, state where the owner is not <br />complying with standards we have set up-and; if possible, <br />any suggestions for correct ion thereof. We can offer <br />the services of an architect up to four (4) hours of <br />consultation at our expense. It was recommended by Mr. <br />Wiggins and passed by unanimous'-consent to add one more <br />arc itect, Mr. Joseph Mathews,to the Urban Design, Review <br />Com ittee. <br />-4- <br />ADDITIONAL ARCRITECT <br />APPROVED FOR URBAN <br />'DESIGN REVIEW COM- <br />MITTEE <br />