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7. (PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. Annual Relocation Report: Rev.;Billy W. Kirk <br />gave a report'summarizing the highlights of the staff's <br />accomplishments and passed copies of the report to the <br />Commissioners. <br />In R-66, out of a total workload of 78, 11 families and <br />46 individuals have been relocated to date - -or a total <br />of 57. 21 remain on the workload.- Out'of housing ac- <br />quire ,nine families went into private sales, of which <br />one was temporarily relocated. Five individuals purchased <br />or re ting in private rentals; one family and three indi- <br />viduals in public housing; one family and five individuals <br />purchasing a home. Approximately 26 individuals were lost, <br />with io forwarding address. Some of these people may <br />have no0ed into other areas without notification. <br />Expen itures for moving claims totalled $3,889.00 for <br />the ey ar 1970, consisting of 18 families and 24;*indi- <br />vidua s, or a'total of 42. Additional 'relocation payments <br />totalled $752.00, replacement housing payments *totalled <br />$5,511.00. Total services rendered, maintenance, etc., <br />total ed $7,689.24. In property management, the total <br />start'ng rent roll from May through.December was $33,857.26., <br />total cash collections $32,219.26, credits $430.00, with <br />a del 'nquent balance of $1,208.00. <br />In R- 7, the workload was one family, temporarily relo- <br />cated in the Central Downtown Project. Additional re- <br />locat on payments totalled $1,297.60, and moving claims <br />total ed $1,691.00. <br />The total expenditures on City - Wide Relocation Claims <br />total ed $10,604.40. This does not include the salaries <br />that come 'from the budget. City -Wide Relocation <br />Progress is 48 cases who moved to permanent housing <br />with our assistance, 63 moved on their own or were re- <br />ferred elsewhere, 12 in temporary downtown housing, 8 <br />pendi g, 10 on present workload. <br />Regarding the Housing Clinic; Rev. Kirk stated he <br />hopes the progress of this Clinic will improve and the <br />activities will be rewarding for the investment made. <br />Rev. Williams said he has had a chance to talk with <br />some - people who have attended these sessions and they <br />have found it very inspiring and very helpful. <br />Presii <br />lent Wilhelm said this is an excellent report. <br />In <br />ANNUAL RELOCATION REPO.....; <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />