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C.1 <br />EW BUSINESS (Copt 'd <br />print brochures to be used by the South Bend- Mishawaka <br />Area Chamber of Commerce to use as handouts for in- <br />quiri s received which would relate to what is going <br />on in the Downtown area. The deadline for the brochure <br />hando is would be the end of March. Unanimous consent <br />was r ceived from all Commissioners to contact several <br />firms and receive estimates. <br />Resolution No. 332: This Resolution relates <br />to ac uisition of property by condemnation and authorizes <br />the mailing of 10 -day notices of condemnation for the <br />follo ing parcels: <br />arcel No. <br />Address <br />Rev. illiams moved for the adoption of Resolution <br />No. 3 2, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, and unanimously <br />carri d. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 332, <br />CONDEMNATION OF PARCEL <br />NOS. 3 -13, 3 -14, 9 -1, <br />9 -2, 21 -10, 21 -12, <br />22 -9 & 28 -7, CENTRAL <br />DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL <br />PROJECT, R -66 <br />E. Option Agreements; Approval and authorization TWO (2),OPTION AGREE- <br />was r quested for the President to sign.two (2) Option MENTS APPROVED, PARCEL <br />Agreements, in the Central Downtown Urban Renewal Project, NOS. -4 -22 & 15 -4, <br />R -66, for the following.parcels :. CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />arcel No. Address <br />4 -22 205 -209 East Washington Street <br />15 -4 511 Lincolnway East <br />Mr. Wiggins moved the above Option Agreements be approved <br />and t e President be authorized to sign, with Parcel.No. <br />15 -4 subject to Commission Legal Counsel approval. Said <br />motio was seconded by Mr. Chenney. and unanimously carried. <br />f. Commercial Leases: Commission approval was re- TWO (2) COMMERCIAL LEASES <br />quest Ed for two 2 Commercial Leases on the following APPROVED, CENTRAL DOWN - <br />parcels, in the Central Downtown, Urban Renewal Project, TOWN URBAN-RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -66: R -66 <br />Parcel <br />Firm No. <br />Stanz Cheese Co. 27 -3 <br />Stanz Cheese Co. 27 -4 <br />Address <br />412 S. Fellows St. <br />416 S. Fellows St. <br />U <br />Mo. Rent <br />$ 59.00 <br />241.00 <br />3 -13 <br />122 West Washington Street <br />3 -14 <br />121 West Washington Street <br />9 -1 <br />101 South Michigan Street - <br />9 -2 <br />105 -109 South Michigan Street <br />121-10 <br />327 South Michigan Street <br />1 -12 <br />323 South Michigan Street' <br />2 -9 <br />419 -421 South Michigan Street <br />8 -7 <br />567 -71 Lincolnway East <br />Rev. illiams moved for the adoption of Resolution <br />No. 3 2, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, and unanimously <br />carri d. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 332, <br />CONDEMNATION OF PARCEL <br />NOS. 3 -13, 3 -14, 9 -1, <br />9 -2, 21 -10, 21 -12, <br />22 -9 & 28 -7, CENTRAL <br />DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL <br />PROJECT, R -66 <br />E. Option Agreements; Approval and authorization TWO (2),OPTION AGREE- <br />was r quested for the President to sign.two (2) Option MENTS APPROVED, PARCEL <br />Agreements, in the Central Downtown Urban Renewal Project, NOS. -4 -22 & 15 -4, <br />R -66, for the following.parcels :. CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />arcel No. Address <br />4 -22 205 -209 East Washington Street <br />15 -4 511 Lincolnway East <br />Mr. Wiggins moved the above Option Agreements be approved <br />and t e President be authorized to sign, with Parcel.No. <br />15 -4 subject to Commission Legal Counsel approval. Said <br />motio was seconded by Mr. Chenney. and unanimously carried. <br />f. Commercial Leases: Commission approval was re- TWO (2) COMMERCIAL LEASES <br />quest Ed for two 2 Commercial Leases on the following APPROVED, CENTRAL DOWN - <br />parcels, in the Central Downtown, Urban Renewal Project, TOWN URBAN-RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -66: R -66 <br />Parcel <br />Firm No. <br />Stanz Cheese Co. 27 -3 <br />Stanz Cheese Co. 27 -4 <br />Address <br />412 S. Fellows St. <br />416 S. Fellows St. <br />U <br />Mo. Rent <br />$ 59.00 <br />241.00 <br />