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C.1 <br />BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />The following firms submitted bids: <br />Name of Contractor Bid .Amount <br />O'Neal Trucking Company $ 2,850.00 <br />1737 N. Elmer Street <br />South Bend, Ind. 46628 <br />Ed Siebert & Sons.Construction; Co. 4.,900.00 <br />131 East Second Street <br />Michigan City, Ind. <br />Warne Wrecking Company 3,245.00 <br />P.O. 3ox 87 <br />Elkhart, Ind. 46614 <br />Woodr ff & Sons Construction Co. 4,890.00 <br />131 Est Second Street <br />Michigan City, Ind. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded'by Mr. Wiggins, <br />Demolition Contract No. 6 was awarded to O'Neal <br />Trucking Company, South Bend, low bidder in the <br />amount of $2,850.00. Said motion was unanimously <br />carri d. <br />Model Cities Contract: This Agreement is MODEL - CITIES CONTRACT <br />betwe n the Model Neighborhood Planning Agency, and the AUTHORIZED <br />City f South Bend, Department of Redevelopment. This . <br />was o iginally set up in conjunction with the Building, <br />Department- The approved budget amount is $82,600, <br />which was received'as a grant under the Demonstration <br />Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966, Title` <br />I, as amended, from the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development, on the 3rd day of August, 1970. We will <br />bill Model Cities on a monthly or quarterly basis and <br />will be compensated by them on monies (spent. <br />Six i spectors and three financial advisors are to <br />recei a on the job training. Upon the implementation <br />of the Code Enforcement and/or Certified Area'Programs <br />these additional staff members will begin implementing <br />the d y -to -day operations of these programs The train- <br />ing could-last as high as nine months. <br />Mr. C enney moved to authorize the President.and <br />Secre ary to sign the contract, seconded by Mr. Helmen. <br />Said motion was unanimously carried. <br />was r <br />adver <br />Brochures for Chamber of Commerce: Permission <br />quested from the Commission to contact several <br />ising firms to determine cost to prepare and <br />-5- <br />CHAMBER OF COMMERCE <br />BROCHURES <br />